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帕克不喜欢布根地?Parker not like Burgundy?

你们有1978年份的勃艮地红酒吗?Do you have Red Burgundy 1978?

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想体验布根地酒的魅力吗?Want to taste the Burgundy fine wines?

是非常著名的布根地顶级酒王之一。This is one of the top wines in Burgundy.

淡紫色系搭配圆点绛红。A tincture of lavender with burgundy dots.

全世界少数几种最令人激动的葡萄酒就来自于布根地。A few of the most exciting wines in the world come from Burgundy.

那是一种浓郁而美味的布根地酒,也不至太没有甜味。It is Burgundy with a rich but delicate body which is not too dry.

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那是一种浓郁而美味的布根地酒,也不致太没有甜味。It is a Burgundy with a rich but delicate body which is not too dry.

穿戴我如今最爱的两个时髦元素,酒红和蛇纹。Wearing two of my favorite obsession right now, burgundy and snakeskin.

最负盛名的葡萄酒产地莫过于波尔多,勃艮第和鲁瓦尔河谷。The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley.

本文将和您一起探索7个勃艮第最著名的产酒村。This article will show you 7 best-known village appellations of Burgundy.

我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis.

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她穿著一件亮的红匍萄酒色套装,化了彩装和卷了头发。She dressed in a bright burgundy suit, wearing makeup and having curly hair.

明亮的酒红色木枝条装点着灰绿色叶片和天蓝色浆果。Bright burgundy colored wood accents the grey-green foliage and sky blue berries.

始建于1868年的勒桦酒庄毫无疑问是勃根蒂地区最杰出的一个。Founded in 1868, Domaine Leroy is unquestionably what the Burgundy does the best.

这款特级珍藏卡曼尼呈现出成熟樱桃的深红颜色。Gran Reserva Carmenere is characterized by its deep, dark cherry, burgundy red color.

这个产品可以被运用用不同的颜色例如柔滑的灰色和伯根地酒红色。This product can be availed in different colours such as silky grey and burgundy red.

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奥地利力多公司旗下的德国诗杯客乐出品的勃艮蒂杯是我们品酒的日常用具。Vino Grande Burgundy from Spiegelau, which is owned by Riedel, is our everyday glass.

这款特级珍藏卡曼尼呈现出成熟樱桃的深红颜色。A Gran Reserva Carmenere is characterized by its deep, dark cherry, burgundy red color.

路易亚都世家创建于1859年,是当今勃根蒂地区最富盛名的葡萄园。Louis Jadot was founded in 1859 and is today one of the most respected names in Burgundy.