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如果我通过了升学考试我将去上大学。I'll go to college if I pass the Matriculation Exam.

今天是全国高考的第一天,全国数百万…Today is the first day of National Matriculation Test.

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学院的入学晚宴是学期的一个亮点。The campus matriculation supper was a lofty point of the term.

我要申请的是这两所大学的本科预科。I would like to apply for the two undergraduate university matriculation.

可以说教育学研究生入学考试内容是比较庞大的。Can say content of matriculation of pedagogic graduate student is gianter.

我觉的选一个比较好大学的预科会是一个值得借鉴的做法。I think the election of a better university matriculation is a practice worth learning.

在读语言期间大学保留学生的入学权力。Is attending the language period university to retain student's matriculation authority.

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本文主要分析在近几年的数学高考题中导数方法的应用。It analyzes the application of derivative in the matriculation texts in the last few years.

分为标准。“他也说,”华裔生应积极争取进入大学预科班的机会。He also said, "Non-bumi students should strive to grab the opportunity to be enrolled into matriculation."

在法规、学术条例或学术法规下规定入学录取要求。To prescribe in the Statutes, Academic Ordinances or Academic Regulations the requirements for matriculation.

今天是全国高考的第一天,全国数百万学生现在正在参加考试。Today is the first day of National Matriculation Test. Millions of students across the country are attending NMT now.

就读大学预科班不但能减轻学生的经济负担,还可节省时间。Pursuing a pre-u study in matriculation not only reduce the financial burden of a student, it also saves a lot of time.

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大学入学考试制度是当今世界各国选拔人才的重要制度之一。Nowadays, the National College Matriculation System is one of the most important systems of choosing talents in the world.

本人自愿放弃贵校一百学年度国际企业硕士学位学程招生考试之录取资格,绝无异议,特此声明。I hereby declare of my own accord my abandonment of the registration of the admission matriculation to IMBA 2011, NUK with no objection.

你校同学进行了一场有关高考英语听力测试的讨论。The students of our school had a discussion about whether listening test in the National Matriculation English Test should be kept or canceled.

请注意,艾德菲大学在申请时并不要求GMAT分数,但在录取时需要GMAT分数。Please note that Adelphi does not require a GMAT score at the time of application, however, they do require a GMAT score at the time of matriculation.

帮助安排学生开学手续,如新生注册,宿舍登记,日用品购置等,并熟悉校园。Assist student with matriculation formalities at US school, including registration, dorm check-in, acquisition of daily-use items and campus introduction.

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中新两国都十分重视高考在选拔人才中的作用,都不断致力于高考制度的改革,以期探索出适合本国国情的、科学合理的高考制度。China and Singapore both pay much attention to the National College Matriculation System's usage in choosing talents and they put effort in the system reform.

高考与学校教育的关系,逻辑层次上,包括高考与高等教育的关系,与高中教育的关系两个论题。Relation between the matriculation and the schooling, logically, includes two issues. One is to the higher education, the other is to the high school education.

由于北京大学硕士研究生入学考试一般没有指定的参考书目,所以加大了同学们的复习难度。Because matriculation of graduate student of Beijing University Master does not have designation bibliography commonly, increased classmates so review difficulty.