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开始旅行吧!Starting out on a journey.

我们的出发点就是你。Our starting point was you.

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价格仅从人民币23元起。Price starting from RMB 23.

价格仅从人民币32元起。Price starting from RMB 32.

我从初态。So I'm starting right here.

开始程序转弯叫。Call starting procedure turn.

这还只是起拍价而已。That's just the starting price.

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或者,起跑线是什么样的?What is the starting line like?

再举到开始的位置。lift back to starting position.

从开始的那天便一目了然As clean as on the starting day.

我们从比零更低的地方开始。We are starting from below zero.

你开始有皱纹了。You're starting to get wrinkles.

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鲍博总是找碴打架。Bob is always starting something.

天气很冷,开始下起雪来。It was cold and starting to snow.

你开端有皱纹了。You are starting to get wrinkles.

你开始不耐烦地踢着脚。You're starting to tap your feet.

我想他们应该才刚刚开始。I think they are just starting it.

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同样的,原点处是零。So, again, we're starting at zero.

一开始是20只股票,100天。Starting with 20 stocks, 100 days.

油漆开始起皮剥落了。The paint is starting to peel off.