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这树十英吋。The tree is ten inch.

倘若你只有一寸高。If youwere one inch tall.

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寸是长度的度量单位。Inch is a measure of length.

已经将它收短了一英寸。It has been taken up an inch.

爱惜你的每一寸发肤。Love every inch of your body.

我两臂伸直的宽度比她长一英寸。I have one inch on her in reach.

将大葱斜切成3-英寸长的段。Cut crosswise into3- inch pieces.

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他看上去完全是正人君子。He looked every inch a gentleman.

她占据了我的整颗心。She covers each inch of my heart.

比例是用一吋代表一哩。The scale is an inch to the mile.

牛奶结成的乳皮一寸厚。The cow milks cream an inch thick.

他身高5英尺2英寸——如果没猜错的话。He was five foot two inch —if that.

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她把裙子缩短了一英寸。She shortened the skirt by an inch.

裤长是32英寸除了腰围。The length is 32 inch except waist.

它有62立方英寸排水量。It has a 62 cubic inch displacement.

那试一下三十五寸的袖子。Let's try a thirty-five inch sleeve.

我们全队为这一寸来奋斗。On this team we fight for that inch.

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她请人把裙子改短了一英寸。She had her shirt shortened an inch.

我可以给你的袖子收进一英寸。I can take in an inch at the sleeves.

它只有八分之五英寸粗。It was five-eighths of an inch thick.