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受到过摔打或者撞击。By beating or impact.

它的影响可能是巨大的。Its impact could be huge.

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道教对庾信的影响。Taoism's impact on Yuxin.

我将会产生何种影响?What impact am I gonna have?

它是一个干脆利落的视觉冲击。It has a crisp visual impact.

而该影响力是否也影响了百事可乐的品牌?Didit impact the brand of Pepsi?

PMMA具有较好的抗冲击特性。PMMA has good impact properties.

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傲慢在这里也有很大的影响。Hubris has a big impact here too.

还有,这是一个音速感应器。This is a subsonic impact sensor.

关闭影响分析图表。Close the Impact analysis diagram.

贝尔淡化了可能的影响.Bair played down the likely impact.

马鲁蒂召回影响菲亚特塔塔吗?Maruti recall to impact Tata, Fiat?

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具有互换性的零件的影响力The Impact of Interchangeable Parts

这个切换没有外部影响。This switch has no external impact.

对你的生活又会有什么影响?What about the impact on your life?

扶贫协商小组的调查揭示了危机的影响CGAP Survey Reveals Impact of Crises

只做那些最有影响的事。Do only things with the most impact.

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地球撞击数据库,山羊围场,2010年3月12日访问。Earth Impact Database. Goat Paddock.

碰撞把我们汽车挡泥板给撞凹下去了。The impact dented our car's fender.

这是如何抱怨冲撞的方法。This is how to complain with impact.