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你就是怕!You are.

你撒谎!You lie!

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你点头。You nod.

你猪猡!You pig!

你敢坐!You sit!

爱不爱你?You love?

你尿尿啦。You peed.

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不再分泌唾液。You stop.

“您瞧见了!”"You see!

你结婚?You marry?

你个白痴。You moron.

你这庸医!You quack!

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你味道不好。You smell.

你这巫婆!You witch!

你这条母狗!you bitch!

看你敢不。I dare you.

我听着呢。I hear you.

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谢谢你。Thanks you.

你说动我了。You got me.

你欠我一次!You owe me!