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很容易将信心误解为傲慢。It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance.

不要把它误解为需要卯尽全力或施加压力的苦差事。Do not misconstrue it as an effort to exert force or pressure.

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这是很容易为他的孩子曲解自由,他已在家中,并认为。It is easy for he child to misconstrue the freedom he has at home and feel that.

你可以把一个'科学'研究,很难理解和容易误解。You can put out a 'scientific' study that's hard to understand and easy to misconstrue.

导致人们对青少年性行为曲解的原因之一是约会与性关系的模式有了明显的改变。One reason people misconstrue teenage sexual behavior is that the system of dating and relationships has changed significantly.

提及起来就很多时只不过是要把孝误解为对父母的盲目服从而给予批评。When mentioned, it's often to misconstrue the word as meaning "blind obedience to parents" and then to proceed to criticize it.

基于静态的时间观念上,想要形成一个诸如“自然平衡”概念是一种对于过程的本质的曲解。To formulate laws based on a static concept of time, such as 'balance of nature, ' is to misconstrue the essence of the process.

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因此秋天是一个喧嚣重要的季节,和误会垂死树叶的信息的悲伤诗人的断言相反。So autumn is a blatantly vital season, contrary to the allegations of sorrowful poets who misconstrue the message of dying leaves.

然而,许多领导人未能激励人民为实现结果,因为这些领导人误解的概念和应用的动机。Yet many leaders fail to motivate people to achieve results because those leaders misconstrue the concept and applications of motivation.

主要是由于他们未能闯过塞思·戈丁认为的“斜坡”,并且进而误解社区的价值和姿态。Mostly because they failed to work through what Seth Godin identifies as "The Dip" and proceed to misconstrue community values and attitudes.

你误解了他话的意思。我认为那关于乡村文学的说法不符合现在的实际情况。他引用的数据都是50或60年代的。You misconstrue his statement. I don't think the statements on rural illiteracy are true anymore. The statistics he cites are from the 50's and 60's.

许多男女不明白他们自身的生理机能,会误解或曲解自己的症状或有不切实际的期望。Many women and men do not understand the functioning of their own bodies, misunderstand or misconstrue their symptoms or have unrealistic expectations.

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“牛鞭效应”是指供应链上不同层面的企业对需求信息的曲解,导致沿着下游向上游逐级放大的现象。It is called 'bullwhip effect' that the enterprises in the supply chain misconstrue the demand information, which results in the upwards-magnifying phenomenon according to the levels.