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将你的儿子带到这里来吧。Bring thy son hither.

你怎么到这儿来啦?What sent you hither?

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到了晚上,我常来这儿。At night I came hither.

是它把你带到了这里。It brought thee hither.

您到底为什么要到这儿来?But why did you come hither?

在那里,清洁的野鸭子来了。Hither the clean wild ducks come.

你在到这儿来以前,曾遇到过他吗?Did you ever meet him previously to coming hither?

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她用她的嘴巴叨着小猫走来走去。She carries the kitten in her mouth hither and thither.

于是残酷的奴隶贩子带我到这里来,横渡过海洋。Then hither me across the sea the cruel slaver brought.

有人告诉迦萨人说,参孙到这里来了。And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come hither.

一群小小的、闪闪发光的鱼儿东游西窜、忽隐忽现。A school of tiny, glittering fish flicked hither and thither.

一群小小的、闪闪发光的鱼儿东游西窜、忽隐忽现。A school of tiny, glittering fish flicked hither and thither.

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后来,致命的疾病缠住了我,我回到这里已奄奄待毙。Then my last illness seized me, and I returned hither to die.

他既然在学术界地位如此之高,为什么要到这里来呢?Why, with such rank in the learned world, had he come hither?

再上来一次吧,我们三日人一起站着吧!Come up hither once again, and we will stand all three together!

因为我象一个最倒霉和最不吉利的姑娘似的,把你牵累到这个地步。For like a most unhappy and thankful maid , it is I have led you hither.

扫罗说,这是百姓从亚玛力人那里带来的。Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites.

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克莱尔夫人一直坐在客厅里,这时也跟着丈夫来到门口。Mrs Clare, who had been sitting in the drawing-room, followed him hither.

再把那只肥牛犊牵来宰了,我们应吃喝欢宴。And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry.

“好吧,”他又说,“刚才是你把那老先生和他女儿带来这儿的?”"Well," he resumed, "thou hast brought hither that old gentleman and his daughter!"