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福尔摩沙本岛的历史与现状。The island of Formosa past and present.

福尔摩莎的美丽的确是如此的雄伟。Formosa is indeed majestic in its beauty.

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他们害怕再发生一次台湾式起义。They were afraid of another Formosa revolt.

日本已经像倒水般的把钱倒入福尔摩沙。Japan has poured money like water into Formosa.

所以,他们开始攻击金门岛和马祖岛,接着就可能攻击台湾了。So first it will be Quemoy and Matsu , next it may be Formosa.

当日本进入褔尔摩沙时,她发现这个海岸是被海盗所掌控着。When Japan entered Formosa she found the coast at the mercy of pirates.

这真是一幅黯淡的景象,但即使如此,我们仍很高兴回到了台湾。It was a gloomy picture, but even so we were glad to be back in Formosa.

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美国接受中国当局在福尔摩沙的运作。The United States accept the exercise of Chinese authority over Formosa.

日本放弃对台湾、澎湖之所有权利、名器与请求权。Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.

像台塑公司研究发展的工程塑胶,就是制造电脑键盘的原料。Such as Formosa Plastics, now making raw materials for computer keyboards.

中国人建议荷兰东印度公司以福尔摩沙作为和中国贸易据点。B. The Chinese suggested to the VOC to use Formosa as base for trade with China.

现在是韩国斗山集团的供应商和台塑集团的海外供应商。Now we are a supplier of Korea Doosan group and a overseas supplier of Formosa group.

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哎----!当我抵达这里时,才听说福尔摩莎被封锁了,所以我不能回去了。Alas! alas I arriving here I was told that Formosa was blockaded, so I could not return.

1945年4月1日,日本充分运用明治宪法,实施于台湾及澎湖列岛。Japan fully applied the Meiji Constitution to Formosa and the Pescadores on April 1, 1945.

在南面的金塔东邻约台塑口,其中有广泛的盐田。To the south east of the Quinta lies the Rio Formosa Estuary, which has extensive salt pans.

图华釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系。Fig. 2. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Neochrysocharis formosa.

多年来他也是鼓吹中国和福尔摩沙达成和平协议的主要倡议人之一。For years he has also been one of the major advocates for a peace agreement between China and Formosa.

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海滩是只有10分钟步行桥横跨浪漫步行在河口福尔摩沙自然保护区。The beach is only 10 minutes walk across the romantic foot bridge over the Ria Formosa nature reserve.

我们已藉行动及暗示接受国民政府为在福尔摩沙之合法当局。Both by act and by implication we have accepted the Nationalist Government as the lawful authority on Formosa.

台湾人民生产的粮食自给有余,遍地盛产鱼、米和水果。The people on Formosa grow more food than they can use, and rice, fruits and fish are everywhere in abundance.