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男孩子在学校里总是落后于女孩子。Boys are lagging behind girls at school.

我们还应当帮助后进的同志。We should also help those lagging behind.

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修正玩使文件连接器起器延迟问题。JIP with custom files do not cause server lagging.

在人生舞台上,从不给落伍者颁发奖牌。In the life stage, never give a medal to the lagging.

这主要是由于涡轮增压器的滞后所致。This is mainly caused by the lagging of the turbocharger.

落伍者给行李中的袋子加上小旗标题。The lagging man tagged the bags in the luggage dawn tiny flags.

这也是贝居因研究一直相对滞后的原因。This is the reason why the Beguine study is always lagging relatively.

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这个国家为什么在航天技术的发展方面落后了?。Why is this country lagging behind in the development of space technology?

益子修说,这让三菱汽车“明显落后”于竞争对手。Masuko said has left the company 'significantly lagging behind' its rivals.

在学术方面,肖斌承认广东阵营在学术上落后了。In literary terms, Mr Xiao admits that the Guangdong camp is lagging somewhat.

你们认为这与软件反盗版手段的落后有多大关系?In you opinion, how much should the lagging anti- piracy means account for it?

经济衰退可能已有所好转,但是距离工作市场的复苏仍有着很遥远的路程。The recession may be over, but the job market recovery is lagging way behind.

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录像里,他说自己在一次巡逻中落在后面,随后被抓走。In the video, the soldier said he was captured after lagging behind on a patrol.

在该国中部和西部,也有跨省级落后地区的一些现象。There are also signs of cross-provincial lagging regions in the Centre and West.

日本政府担心日本会在自由贸易协议方面被甩在后面。The Japanese government worries their country is lagging behind in terms of FTAs.

印度也不甘落后,经济发展也是十年内最低!India is not lagging behind . The growth in India too is the lowest in the decade.

Lien补充说,穆迪在评级行动及发布警告上依然落后于标准普尔.Lien added that Moody's is still lagging behind S&P in rating actions and threats.

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然而今天,对外贸易曾居广西之冠的梧州市,则相对日见落后。However, Wuzhou, whose foreign trade once topped in Guangxi, is now lagging behind.

通膨是一项落后指标,因此即使经济趋缓它仍持续上升。Inflation is a lagging indicator, so it continues to rise even as the economy slows.

戴明说,他的主要担忧是奥巴马政府对贸易的强调不足。Deming said his main concern was the Obama administration’s lagging emphasis on trade.