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我们大家有时会迷失方向,不知道自己在那。We all get disoriented sometimes.

方向感尽失的您,开始往下沉。You become disoriented and start to sink.

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变化的价值观使社会感到无所适从。Society has been disoriented by changing values.

我感到很困惑,害怕很快就没有水用了。I feel disoriented. I fear soon we will have no water.

当他走出地铁时,他暂时迷失了方向。When he came up out of the subway,he was momentarily disoriented.

我们采用迂回战术,把敌人弄得晕头转向。We used outflanking tactics and the enemies were confused and disoriented.

但是虽然同屋人很好,很帮忙,还是有一种很深的失去了自己的位置的感觉。Yet for me, even though my new roommate was very helpful, I still felt disoriented.

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然而,当我们面对上千种产品和品牌时,我们迷失了。But we become disoriented when we’re confronted with thousands of products and brands.

当他恢复知觉时感到晕头转向,不确知他是怎么到那儿的。When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.

但非,。当太空乌云稀布时,椋鸟便不可以辨别方向并且定位食品的盒子的技艺会产死问题。On overcast days, however, the birds were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box.

但是这个人物质上非常丰富,生活对于他来说已经失去了意义和方向。But this man is furnished with material abundance and life becomes meaningless and disoriented.

但是,当太空乌云密布时,椋鸟便不也许辨别方向并且定位食品的盒子的才力会产生问题。On overcast days, however, the chooks were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box.

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在之前几天,她曾一度昏睡并丧失定向能力,并且有一次痉挛阵挛发作。In the previous few days, she had been lethargic and disoriented and had a tonic–clonic seizure.

好吧,先拿她的古怪不说,她还绝对是迷糊和没有方向的女人。Well, well, well, she's eccentric to say the least and she's definitely confused and disoriented.

由于他们所有董事会在伦敦的列车,第二天,打击头部叶虹膜迷失方向。As they all board the London-bound train the next day, a blow to the head leaves Iris disoriented.

有一次,结束了长假后,我驾车从机场回家,一路上总感到分不清方向、格格不入。Once, driving home from the airport after a long vacation, I was feeling disoriented 6, out-of-place.

但非,。当太空乌云稀布时,椋鸟便不否以折柳方向并且定位食品的盒子的材做会发作题纲。On overcast days! however! the chickens were disoriented coupled with trouble locating their food box.

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专家说小甘迺迪迷失方向并且离海面太近,因而造成坠机。Experts said JFK, Jr. had become disoriented and gotten too close to the water, which caused the crash.

把梦游者从梦中叫醒会暂时让他们分不清方向或感到很混乱,但也仅仅会如此而已。But waking a sleepwalker from their dream will leave them momentarily disoriented or confused, that's all.

其结果是,你更缺乏判断力,也更可能忽视电子邮件或忘了吃午饭。The result is you become more disoriented --and more likely to ignore the e-mail or forget the lunch date.