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它的胸部明显地呈球形。It has a distinctly globular thorax.

方法DV2经胸注射入白纹伊蚊。Methods DV2 were injected into the thorax of Ae.

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它是黑色的。它的头部藏在胸部下面。It is brownish-black. Its head hides under its thorax.

它们胸部很长,它的前腿又锋利又强壮。Its thorax is long. Its front legs are sharp and strong.

手臂的摆动一定程度上带动了胸廓的旋转。The arm swing drived the thorax rotation to some extent.

术后的图片显示胸腔内的腹膜假性囊肿。Pictures showing the peritoneal pseudocyst inside the thorax.

它就能再一次拥有存在于枪内心的一个小时。In the thorax of the gun, to be a heart, a soul, a binominal existence.

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手指对胸壁施加一定的力度轻轻下滑。Fingers are brought down slowly, exerting gentle pressure against the thorax.

腋窝卷的正确使用方法,是放在腋窝的尾端的胸廓下。Proper placement of the axillary roll is under the thorax caudad to the axilla.

当你呼吸是要注意放松你的上胸腔。Practice relaxing your upper thorax while holding your breath for a few seconds.

后胸廓缩小,食管入口黏膜再次内翻,发声结束。After that, thorax shrink, the meatus of esophagus turn in again, the voice behavior is over.

透过地面望远镜,“蚂蚁星云”看上去像一只花园蚂蚁的头与胸。From ground-based telescopes, the "ant nebula" resembles the head and thorax of a garden ant.

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在对胸腔听诊之前,让我们回顾一下正常的和偶发的呼吸声音。Before auscultating the posterior thorax , let's review normal and adventitious breath sounds.

目的应用纤维支气管镜治疗开胸术后肺内感染及肺不张。Objective Using fibrobronchoscope to treat the thorax postoperative pneumonitis or atelectasis.

胸部呈背腹平坦状,尾巴的侧向呈扁状,有助于游泳。The thorax is dorso-ventrally flattened, and the tail is laterally compressed to aid in swimming.

用摆锤式冲击台对113只家兔胸、腹不同部位进行了钝性撞击实验。Blunt impact was conducted on thorax abdominal parts of 113 rabbits by using a pendulum impact table.

后前位胸片测量和CT的测量有很高的一致性。Agreement with CT measurements was highest for the measurements on posteroanterior thorax radiographs.

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目的探讨肺淋巴管肌瘤病的胸部、腹盆部的CT征象。Objective To investigate the CT findings of thorax and abdominopelvic with pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis.

目的探讨MR相位对比脉冲序列在胸部血管成像中的应用价值。Objective To investigate the application value of thorax vasculature with MR phase-contrast pulse sequence.

我们的结果建议通过后前位胸片测量确定短缩的比例。Our results suggest determining proportional length differences by taking a posteroanterior thorax radiograph.