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王海强是位不折不扣的“雪雕迷”。Wang is a devotee of snow sculptures.

他是一个热心于运动的人。He was an enthusiastic devotee of sports.

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他的爱使奉献者知道并没有束缚。His love for the devotee knows no bounds.

你丈夫说你是亨利?詹姆斯的小说迷。Your husband tells me that you're a devotee of Henry James.

神在奉献者至喜欢的方式来显现出他自身。God reveals Himself in the form which His devotee loves most.

一个奉献者与非奉献者要么没有接触要么有极少的接触。A devotee has either no contact or minimal contact with non-devotees.

易受骗的求道者会失足,掉入堕落的陷阱。An unwary devotee may lose his foothold and fall into a pit of depravity.

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3月19日,一位印度教信徒在维伦达文的班克比哈里寺里祈祷。A Hindu devotee prays at the Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan on March 19.

一次,我看到一位神圣母亲的奉献者在恒河岸边的石梯上沐浴。Once I saw a devotee of the Divine Mother at the bathing-ghat on the Ganges.

然而,这个暴君的儿子普拉拉德却是毗湿奴的忠实信徒。The demon however, had a son named Prahlad who was ardent devotee of Vishnu.

这就是暴露在人类语法中的古鲁和信徒之舞。This is how the dance of the guru and devotee emerged in the human expression.

一天下午,一个男奉献者在庙堂里非常大声地念颂。One afternoon, a male devotee was chanting japa very loudly in the temple room.

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然而,再没有比大法官约翰·马歇尔更热爱葡萄酒的人。Vinous drink, however, had no greater devotee than Chief Justice John Marshall.

萨雅玛,神圣母亲,被她的奉献者的爱的绳索捆绑住了。Syama , the Divine Mother, is Herself tied by the cord of the love of Her devotee.

只有成为皈依者,亲密和距离的二重性才会消失。And only in becoming the devotee does this duality of intimacy and distance disappear.

一个处于善良型态的奉献者会在绝对隐秘的环境中对神进行冥想,很可能就在蚊帐里面。A devotee who possesses it meditates on God in absolute secret, perhaps inside his mosquito net.

成为爱比去爱要高级。上帝的真正信徒除了爱别无选择,因为他就是爱本身。Being love is higher than loving. The real devotee of God has no choice but to love, he is love.

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如果有人向奉献者提供天堂的幸福,一个拥有这种爱的奉献者不会接受这种幸福。A devotee possessed of this love would not accept the happiness of heaven if it were offered him.

在威尔士的三天里,我的怀疑论被一扫而光,成为了一名彻底的黑尔论追随者。Over the three-day course in Wales, my scepticism drained away entirely and I became a Hare devotee.

但是直到认识神之前,奉献者也不能从崇拜中把人的因素分离。But until that realization is achieved, the devotee cannot dissociate human factors from his worship.