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外国人肯定认为我们的轻浮举止不可理喻。I am sure foreigners must think our levity is baffling.

那个星期,我给竞选活动增加了一点点轻佻因素。I added a needed bit of levity to the campaign that week.

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贪快读得多,不如边学边想读得少。Better to read little with thought than much with levity and quickness.

在紧张的情况下减轻压力的最好办法之一就是率性放松些。One of the best ways to reduce tension in a stressful situation is to add levity.

当他以一杆小鸟球结束最后一轮时,那厮严肃气氛也烟消云散。When he finished with a final birdie, any seriousness of the incident gave way to levity.

如果你在寻找更多的乐趣,想作为领导者平易近人,那么就和那些快乐的人呆在一起吧。If you’re looking for more joy and levity in leadership, surround yourself with joyful people.

手工串珠艺术不仅是华丽多变的生活表现,更是个人生活品位的传达。A string of beads not only a luxuriance and levity represent, but also represent individual lifestyle.

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但在2004年,随着媒体发展的逐渐成熟,加之客观上世界形势的多变,国际报道开始兴盛起来并引起大家的关注。But in 2004, it boomed and drew a great attention due to the mature development of medium and the levity of the world.

他戴着耳机,似乎认真听着尤努斯的讲话,不断点头和鼓掌,在听到一些不很严肃的话题的时候也报以微笑。Wearing headphones, he seemed to follow Yunus's speech intently, nodding and applauding, smiling at moments of levity.

我当然能理解他们为什么会觉得游客对希特勒肖像的嬉戏是不适当的轻浮表现。Of course I can understand why they might consider tourists frolicking with his likeness to be a display of inappropriate levity.

此“快乐杀手”反对任何“轻浮”,在工作中没有乐趣,也认为别人不应该有乐趣。Disapproving of any attempt at levity , the constant killjoy doesn't have fun at work and doesn't think anyone else should either.

他说“他可能这一秒疯疯癫癫还有点轻飘飘的下一秒就会变得有点危险易怒然后惨剧就发生了。So he could go from one second being very high-faluting and a lot of levity straight into some kind of dangerous, potential rage and then tragedy.

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2009年他在洛杉矶心理科学协会会议上展示的结果为乐观开朗的人们带来了好消息。The results, which he presented at the 2009 Association for Psychological Science meeting in San Francisco, should bring a smile to all lovers of levity.

在特兰里奇及其附近,有一些年轻妇女的轻佻惹人注意,这种轻佻也许就是控制附近那块坡地上人们精神的征兆。The levity of some of the younger women in and about Trantridge was marked, and was perhaps symptomatic of the choice spirit who ruled The Slopes in that vicinity.

山上气候多变,多云多雾多雨多冰雹,使长白山区的形像变幻无穷,虚幻神秘,迷迷茫茫。In the mountain that climate levity , there is more cloud , mist, rain and hail, enploy Chang Bai montane image without end fluctuate, transience mystery and at sea.

在海利根达姆八国集团首脑会议上四国领导人的照片,现在只有默克尔仍然在位,布什将于下周下台。A moment of levity at the Heiligendamm G8 summit. Of the four leaders pictured, only Angela Merkel remains in place, as Germany's Chancellor, after Bush's departure next week.

福音的种子不宜以嘻笑轻慢的心看待,对别人灵魂深度的关怀,是成就主的教训及圣工所必须的。Our heavenly seed could not fitly be sown laughing. Deep sorrow and concern for the souls of others are a far more fit accompaniment of godly teaching than anything like levity.

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人是具有主动性、协调能力和创造性的,人性是复杂和多变的,在具体的管理实践中,应充分地尊重人性、尊重个性。Human have enthusiasm, harmonize ability and creation, the humanism is complexity and levity. In material manage practice, the manager should respect the humanism and personality adequately.

所有这些反应,强迫轻率不坐以及与梅利莎,谁抛出的虐待中,可卡因成瘾的男友发脾气和大风的武器之前,她得到了自己理顺。All this reactive, forced levity doesn't sit well with Melissa, who throws tantrums and winds up in the arms of an abusive, cocaine-addicted boyfriend before she gets herself straightened out.

很难注意到,这是一个放在你眼前让你微秒地感觉欢快的东西,增加了更多多变的亮点与快乐的内部设计元素。Hardly noticeable, this is a very subtle influence of whimsical cheerfulness put before your unsuspecting eye, adding a little more levity to an already light hearted and happy interior design.