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多比透过琼斯的表演所展现出来的悲伤和痛苦一直紧紧扣着观众的心弦。heartstrings in his hour of distress.

医得眼前疮,剜却心头肉。Medical have sore eyes, but pluck heartstrings.

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你迷离的眼睛紧扣爱人的心弦。Your wandering eyes pull at your lover’s heartstrings.

它的涟漪深深波及心弦It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug

它肯定会触动您的心弦并能感动您的灵魂。It's certain to strum your heartstrings and touch your soul.

她是所有曾经使男人伤透心的女人中最虚情假意的。She was the falsest woman that ever broke man's heartstrings.

当可怜的维也纳回答说是寂寞时,观众的心为之一震。Poor Vienna rips at your heartstrings when she says it was lonely.

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它的涟漪深深波及心弦,总会留下反响,宛若拥抱。Its riffle touched my heartstrings deeply. and leave echo, just like hugs.

我们使用独角兽毛,凤凰尾羽毛,和龙的心弦。We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons.

那是一种纯粹的美丽和感动,不经意的拨动我们的心弦。That is one kind of pure beauty and affected, nonchalant moves our heartstrings.

即使你是百分百中意某一辆车,绝对不要让推销员察觉出来。Even if a car has your heartstrings in a white-knuckled stranglehold, never let on.

愿这长啸之声响彻天地,在千亿心弦间久久地回荡。Long be heard this roar over endless realms, in the echoing of a thousand heartstrings.

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这部描写一个小孩之死的电影真让我揪心。The film about the death of a young child was one that really tugged at my heartstrings.

团携手爱国者为大家带来超小身材、扣动心弦的小胖U盘!F group to bring together the Patriot ultra-small body, pull the heartstrings of chubby U disk!

从古巴,赫斯特的明星记者发回的报道牵动着美国人的神经。From Cuba, Hearst's star reporters wrote stories designed to tug at the heartstrings of Americans.

爱恨交织的故事情节,主人公们充满坎坷的命运,扣动着每个玩家的心弦。Love-hate story, full of rough characters were the fate of each of the players pulled the heartstrings.

和洪水,雾和幽灵的美丽,这波河像一个又苦又甜罗曼史用力拉这扣人心弦的意大利”。With its floods, fog, and spectral beauty, the Po—like a bittersweet romance—tugs at the heartstrings of Italy.

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一个人,有至纯的灵魂,原本就是一种撼人心魄的深刻。A person whose soul is so pure as to be free from any pollution actually represents a profundity that tugs at people's heartstrings.

当一个人能了解别人的感受时,他就可以撩动他们的心弦,促使他们做出违背自身最大利益的行为。When someone knows what others are feeling, they can tug at their heartstrings and motivate them to act against their own best interests.

在不经意的瞬间,你自然优雅地走进我的视线,轻柔拨动着我那尘封已久的心弦。In the nonchalant instantance, you enter my line of sight gracefully naturally, is moving I that dust-laden already long heartstrings gently.