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为什么要成为野生动物Rehabilitator?。Why Become a Wildlife Rehabilitator?

图片承蒙世界自然基金会惠赠Photograph courtesy World Wildlife Fund

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川西是野生动物丰富的地区。West Sichuan is region abundant in wildlife.

一只小考拉在悉尼野生世界。A baby joey koala at Sydney's Wildlife World.

野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries.

扩大城市面积危害着野生物。The spread of urban areas endangers wildlife.

兵乓球教练同时也是野生动物专家。The ping-pong coach is also a wildlife expert.

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对野生生物来说空间将愈来愈少。There will be less and less space for wildlife.

巢和茧为野生动物提供了安全保障。Nests and cocoons provide security for wildlife.

这个自然保护区是野生动植物理想的家园。The nature reserve is an ideal home for wildlife.

野生动植物园只在四月至九月开放。A wildlife garden is open April to September only.

准备好来一次观鸟赏动物之旅吧。Get Ready for Birding and Wildlife Watching Tours.

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鸟类和野生动物需要树木,作为觅食和栖身之地。Birds and wildlife need trees for food and shelter.

干净的水,丰富的森林资源以及野生动植物。Clean air, clean water and rich forest and wildlife.

此次污染对海滩、沼泽和野生动物会有怎样的影响?What is the effect on beaches, marshes and wildlife?

一名加纳野生动物导游员引导游客漫步。A Ghana Wildlife guide escorts the tourists on the walk.

同时也是亚洲走私野生动物的主要集散中心。It’s also been a major hub for Asian wildlife smuggling.

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肯雅塔一手摧毁了非洲的野生动植物。Kenyatta has single handedlydestroyed Africa's wildlife.

而给野生动物接种是非常困难的And it would be really difficult to vaccinate a wildlife.

王企鹅成功地演绎了一个关于野生动物的故事。King penguins are supposed to be a wildlife success story.