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MPM的技术正在向空间应用领域扩展。MPM technique is expanding to space application.

MPM已经在雷达、电子对抗和通讯等领域得到应用。MPM have been using widely in the fields of Radar, ECM, Communications and so on.

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本文介绍了意大利因西公司设计制造的第四代MPM。The fourth generation of MPM designed and manufactured by INNSE Co. , Italy is described.

在连轧中造成钢管壁厚超差的主要原因是“竹节”。In MPM process the wall thickness variation which is out of tolerance range is ma-inly caused by the"bulge."

介绍了少机架限动芯棒连轧管机组的独特优点,并对其孔型设计进行了初步探讨。Presented in the paper are the unique advantages of the said MPM and a cursory review on groove design of the mill.

他于2004年在加拿大魁北克大学与天津理工大学合作的MPM项目中任教。On 2004, he was the Lecturing professor in the MPM Program jointed venture by University of Quebec& Tianjin University of Technology.

研究了冷阴极触发管的特性及工作原理,提出了一种应用于微波功率模块中的自触发撬棒保护电路技术。Based on study of the characteristic and operating principle of the cold-cathode trigger tube, a self-triggering crowbar circuit applied in MPM is proposed.

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宏观唯象模型克服了传统二流体模型不适用于高温超导体的缺点,使计算结果符合测量值。MPM overcomes the shortcomings of conventional Two Fluid Model, which does not suit for HTS, and makes the calculating values conform to the measuring results.

该方法避免了拉格朗日格式因网格畸变产生的数值困难,也克服了欧拉格式材料界面跟踪问题以及因非线性对流扩散项而引起的数值困难。The MPM eliminates difficulty with mesh distortion as in the Lagrangian method, and with interface tracking and nonlinear convection term as in Eulerian scheme.

为了满足我所某无人机载合成孔径雷达对发射机的要求,本文开展了微波功率模块的集成稳压电源的研究工作。The article studies the integrated regulated power supply of MPM to satisfy the requirement for transmitter of certain unmanned synthetic aperture airborne radar.

少机架限动芯棒连轧管机孔型设计是连轧管工艺的核心,对轧制过程的建立和产品质量起着极其重要的作用。As the most critical factor of MPM process, the groove design of fewer-stand mandrel-retained MPM significantly affects the rolling course as well as product quality.

在处理细杆数据时,由九路数据中可以精确的提取出相同的极点,表明了算法的有效性及极点法识别目标的可行性。In processing with thin-wire's data, exact poles are got from every data of nine , it shows the MPM method is effective and target identification using poles is feasible.

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其它方法缺乏穿透力,并且会损害标本,MPM不同,它可以呈现出锐利清晰的图像,即使像果蝇唾液腺组织这样较薄的标本也是这样。Unlike other methods, which lack penetrating power and can damage the specimen, MPM delivers crisp, clear images, even in thicker tissue samples like Drosophila salivary glands.

最后,本文给出了一种基于多层模式匹配的高速以太网NIDS实现方案,并对FPGA硬件逻辑和核心态软件逻辑采用的检测策略进行了详细说明。A new implementation of NIDS for fast- speed Ethernet based on the MPM method is proposed finally, and the detection strategies applied FPGA logic and kernel logic are described in detail.

PQF轧管工艺的成就标志着MPM轧管工艺的发展完善,也为长芯棒连轧管工艺近百年的历程画上了句号。The achievement of PQF-Technology marks development and perfection of the MPM Technology, and it has also placed a full-stop to the course of the mandrel tube rolling technology in recent 100 years.