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我们都需要一种相互关联的感觉。We want a sense of connectedness.

他十分清楚地认识到生活的关联性。He is very much aware of the connectedness of life.

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我们已经目睹了全球联通的阴暗面。We have seen the dark side of global connectedness.

想想我们当今社会的连通性给我们所带来的无限机遇。Think of the endless opportunity our connectedness provides.

我们都希望和他人沟通,我们都需要一种相互关联的感觉。Communication with others is what we all want. We want a sense of connectedness.

更为重要的是,我们生活在一个信息互联万众注意的时代。More importantly, we're living in an age of connectedness with all eyes watching.

英格尔改变策略提出了实现我们所说的连通性的选择。An ICAS change strategy sets out to achieve what we call a connectedness of choices.

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派提定义的层级是系统内的连接性差异化的产物。Hierarchy for Pattee was the product of differential connectedness within one system.

红族的教导似乎忆起了整体性和所有生命内的内在连通。Red teachings seem to remember the wholeness and inter- connectedness of all of life.

规律的建立也可以帮助我们进入一个深层思想集中或是连通性的状态。Routines can also be built to help us enter states of deep concentration or connectedness.

人类连通和交流经验更有价值穿著者比滚动广告。Human connectedness and sharing of experiences is more valuable to the wearer than a scrolling advert.

讨论了向量极值问题KT真有效解集的连通性问题。In this paper, the connectedness of KTproper efficient solution set for vector minimization is discussed.

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采用八邻域边界跟踪算法来搜索洪水淹没区域的范围。The connectedness of flood submerging region is analyzed by using boundary tracking based on 8-connected.

这是一条具体的可见的生存之路,始自于并强调爱心和沟通。It is a concrete, visible way of living that flows from, and reinforces, a sense of caring and connectedness.

随着连通性更加紧密,人们可以更加快速高效地影响其他人。With greater connectedness has come the ability for people to influence one another with more speed and efficiency.

想要改变世界,我们需要让人们意识到,我们之间的联系比他们的金钱更重要。“To change the world, we need people to realize our connectedness even more than we need their money, ” said Stacey Monk.

从而可构造出具有最佳连通性的14,15和16度可靠连通网络。According to these results, reliable connected networks with the best connectedness of degree 14, 15, 16 can be constructed.

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若目标函数为锥凸的集值映射时,其严有效解集也是连通的.作为应用,讨论了超有效解集的连通性.。As an interesting application of the results in this paper, the connectedness of super efficient solution sets is discussed.

医疗、教育、安全以及社会联系对于生活质量都很重要——但这些并没有在GDP中得到充分体现。Health, education, security and social connectedness all are important to quality of life – but are not adequately reflected in GDP.

连通性是拓扑空间的重要概念,利用邻域给出L-拓扑空间超F连通性的樊畿定理的定理型刻画。Connectedness is very important on topology. This paper illustrates K Fan's theorem on L-topological spaces by means of neighborhood.