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鹰猎在我国有悠久的历史。Falconry has a long history in China.

这是一种名贵的玫瑰。A female of this species, used in falconry.

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最受人喜爱的消遣是骑马和放鹰狩猎。Horseback riding and falconry popular pastimes.

狂野的,不驯服的。用来形容猎鹰训练中的鹰。Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry.

雄性南非隼,比雌隼小,用于狩猎中。A male lanner, smaller than the female, used in falconry.

威廉姆斯一家还经营了一家放鹰狩猎中心,在这里,梅杰可无拘无束地漫步。Thee family run a falconry centre where Major has free reign to roam.

我给雄性游隼起名为亚瑟,是以传说中喜欢训练猎鹰的那位君主的名字命名的。I name the male Arthur after the legendary monarch who loved falconry.

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一个封闭的无菌系统饲养的雏鸟并不适合狩猎活动。A closed sterile system of rearing chicks does not work when rearing birds for falconry.

中国被公认为是世界鹰猎的发祥地,早在几千年前就开始了鹰猎活动。China is thought to be the mother country where falconry began many thousands of years ago.

全世界的鹰猎者都是兄弟,并且我们共享着对这玩艺的热爱。Falconers world wide are brothers and naturally share the same love of the art of falconry.

真隼的雌鸟个体较大,较凶猛,故鹰猎者喜用雌隼。Females of the genus Falco are larger and Bolder than males and are preferred for falconry.

西班牙圭莱娜的国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一天,人们得以见到一只真正的金鹰。A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain.

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我参与了向联合国教科文组织提交“将鹰猎活动作为一部分而列入全世界非物质文化遗产”的活动。I am involved with the UNESCO bid to have falconry recognised as part of our Intangible Cultural Heritage.

驯鹰术这项中世纪的技术,经过数百年后,仍显得比现代技术高明。Falconry is a centuries-old pursuit, but the medieval technology has proved superior to modern alternatives.

用灰背隼抓鸟并不容易,事实上我相信,小型鸟类在所有的鹰猎对象中是最艰苦的。Catching birds with a merlin is not easy, in fact I believe catching small birds is the most difficult form of falconry.

当选择某一个品种时,从长期需求来看,鹰猎团体的品种也必须加以考虑。When choosing a species, the long-term requirement of that species within the falconry community also has to be taken into account.

放鹰风气兴起,野外猛禽类命运多舛。图为重庆南路群众围观选购雏鹰。The growing popularity of falconry is bad news for many small creatures in the wild. Here people watch a buyer choose a falconet on Chungking South Road.

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通过与育种者和其他的在血统方面富有经验的鹰猎者交谈,就可以大体得出它的鹰猎风格和潜力了。By speaking with the breeder and other falconers who have had experience with that lineage, a close assumption of its falconry style and potential can be made.

这正是我们在鹰舍努力工作的方向,随着时间的推移,我们将能够提供更多的在这方面的鹰猎表现的资料。This is something we are working to develop at Falcon Mews and as time goes on we will be able to give more and more information in the area of falconry performance.

对饲养者来说获取尽可能多的亲鸟信息以及关于它们最初的后代在鹰猎上的成功是非常必要的。For the breeder it is imperative that as much information on the parent birds is obtained on previous progeny produced by them with regards to their falconry successes.