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他对我说了许多鼓励的话。He said a lot to hearten me.

我要先让你振作起来。I will go first hearten thee.

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我要先让你振作起来。I will go first to hearten thee.

有个好消息可以让你振作起来!This good news will hearten you.

经理设法为选手们打气。The manager tried to hearten the players.

这些结果或许会令反对党受到鼓舞。They are likely to hearten the opposition.

你们若有心灵破碎的,可以到我这里来。Come to me all of you who are broken hearten.

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“愿望”想燃起手机定位任职盏害羞的灯火,广袤的夜空就亮起了粲焕繁星。Wishing to hearten a timid lamp great night lights all her stars.

就是像你们所作出的这样的牺牲,鼓舞了我们军队中那些勇敢的小伙子们。It is such sacrifices as yours that hearten our bra ve lads in gray.

视频行业到现在为止,还没有看到令人振奋的盈利模式。Video industry so far, had not seen the profit pattern of hearten making a person.

渐渐逼近,又骤然消逝。我听见了振奋并充满力量的鼓声。Came gradually, and disappeared suddenly. I heard drum filled with hearten and strength.

哈�的决定一定会让烦透其烟瘾的老爸查尔斯王储大感欣慰。His decision is likely to hearten his father, Prince Charles, who loathes his son's nicotine habit.

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麝香液、白桦与白苔为这款振奋活力的香水带来持久的效果与生命。Muskiness fluid, Bai Hua and white liver mosses are the perfume of this hearten vigor to bring lasting effect and life.

“偏见”竭力想把真理牢握在手心,谁想竟将它捏死了。愿望”想燃起一盏害羞的灯火,广袤的夜空就亮起了璀璨繁星。Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kill it. Wishing to hearten a timid lamp great night lights all her stars.

三﹑外籍教师使用合同或协议规定的材料,欢迎外籍教师推荐﹑提供或协助引进国外比较先进的材料及视听辅导材料。Foreign teachers should use the textbooks stipulated by the contract. The school hearten the foreign teachers recommend advanced text books and other materials.

不管从任何角度看,哪怕这个口号只是一个幌子,都显得比那种纯粹的商业经营更加令人振奋和认同。No matter look from any angle, even if this catchword is a cover only, appear than the sort of dinkum business already battalion makes a person more hearten and self-identity.

薄煕来将接任重庆市委书记的职务,这会让某些美国人受到鼓舞。这位商务部长时而显露出要挫掉对手的锋芒,他们曾经担忧他会被任命为与美国进行谈判的首席代表。Bo Xilai will take over as party chief in Chongqing, which will hearten some in the US who feared the sometimes abrasive minister would be appointed to head dialogue with Washington.

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奥巴马用一些笼统的爱国之词来鼓舞美国民众,我们是美利坚和众国的人民,我们可以战胜一切。同时他还用类似宿命论的理论来安慰美国民众市场有起有伏,经济总会好的。Obama used some positive words to hearten American people and made them believe that the economic crisis is temporary, market falls was a normal thing , it would rise sooner or later.

生物碱可以振奋精神和提高信心,而且香蕉是色胺酸和维生素b6的超级来源,这些都可以帮助我们的大脑制造血清素。Biology is alkaline land can hearten spirit and raise hope, and the super origin that banana is lubricious amine acid and vitamin B6, these cerebra that can help us make serum element.

由于咖啡碱能兴奋中枢神经、增强大脑皮质的兴奋过程,从而达到振奋精神、消除疲劳、提高劳动效率的目的。Because theine can be excited central nervous, enhance the excited process with coriaceous cerebra, achieve hearten spirit thereby, eliminate the fatigue, goal that improves labor efficiency.