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如果没有风将其吹散,这种雾甚至可以持续数天。If undisturbed by winds, such fog may persist for days.

围绕在这颗星星周围的是相对未受干扰的星际物质形成的一大团云状物。Around it are clouds of relatively undisturbed material.

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阳光正暖,江面水波不兴。The sun is warm now, the water of the river undisturbed.

我们本来是大家一条心,坦坦然然的,一点儿也不怀疑。We were of one mind, and undisturbed by any troubling doubt.

该法简便,样液稳定,赋形剂对测定无干扰。The method was simple, stable and undisturbed with excipient.

他真的赢得了和她在一起的、那不被打扰的片刻。He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.

即使我的主突然来到我的门前,也让我无扰地睡着。Let me sleep undisturbed even if my lord comes of a sudden to my door.

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她继续她的故事而不受她的听众的欢乐俏皮话所打扰。She continued her story undisturbed by the merry sallies of her hearers.

石头墙划分创建出小空间来进行不受干扰的日光浴。Stone walls divide and creates small spaces where to sunbathe undisturbed.

桩体,浆液扩散区和天然土体三部分共同承担上部荷载。Three parts as pile, diffusing zone and undisturbed soils bear jointly load.

现在在这个曾经称之为“家园”的纳斯卡地区已经没有不受干扰的生态系统了。There are now no undisturbed ecosystems in the region the Nazca used to call home.

在日出给我一个开满美丽花朵的花园,芳香四溢,我在花园步行,没有人打扰。Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where Ican walk undisturbed.

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初步探索了在风蚀风洞实验室进行原状土样的试验。Undisturbed soil sample experiments were researched preliminarily at erosion wind lab.

当地的房主人清晨沉睡,未受蛙鸣的打搅。Local homeowners are soundly asleep in the early morning, undisturbed by the loud frogs.

这些罐儿安坐在我家里,无人打扰。人们烧了用我的头发做成的刷子。These pots in my house sat undisturbed. The people burned the brushes made from my hair.

我们尊重高锟教授伉俪回复平静生活的意愿。We all respect the wish of Prof and Mrs Kao for a return to a quiet and undisturbed life.

作者住进了山区,那里他可以不受干扰地写完小说。The author went up into the mountains where he could finish writing his novel undisturbed.

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对冻干法制备的广西膨胀土不扰动样进行了微结构测试研究。The microcosmic structure of the undisturbed soil sample done by lyophilization is tested.

它们现在自由自在地在冰上做着自己的事情,对过往的观众浑然不知。They were just going about their normal icy business, undisturbed by the passing audience.

但是当他来到了山脊,发现那些植物仍然在那儿,周围的土也没有动过。But when he got to the ridge, the plants were still there, the soil around them undisturbed.