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为了保护遗址,又将遗址进行了回填。To protect it, we had to backfill on it again.

看看房子附近是否有回填土沉降的想象,需要的话,把它填平。Check for backfill soil settling near the house and fill it up where needed.

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利用含锰废渣代替天然粘土作为路基回填土。Slags containing Mn is used as the roadbed backfill instead of natural clay.

在相同的装载量情况下,增加回填气体压强能明显提高环模的冷却速度和硬度。In same loading, adding backfill air pressure will boost die's cooling and hardness.

上向进路充填采矿法是一种具有广阔应用前景的采矿方法。The upward drift stoping with backfill is a mining method with a widespread use future.

土方工程雨期回填施工质量不易保证,是土方工程施工中较为棘手的难题。The quality of construction for backfill in earthwork is not easy to control in the rain spell.

北京市区存在许多杂填土回填地基,主要是人为挖沙等原因形成。A lot of mixed backfill foundation exist in Beijing city mostly because of the excavation of sand.

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场地清表、地基处理、初平和终平、开挖、回填及压实。Site stripping, subgrade preparation, rough and finish grading, excavation, backfill and compaction.

房屋周围。看看房子附近是否有回填土沉降的想象,需要的话,把它填平。Build up around the house. Check for backfill soil settling near the house and fill it up where needed.

待涵管道安装完成并经验收合格后,方可进行土方回填。To pipe installation is complete and experience the qualified, conducted only after backfill earthwork.

充填料挤压输送泵是一种用于矿山充填的专用设备。The squeezed transportation pump is specialized equipment used for transporting fill in backfill mining.

生存偏差去掉了那些糟糕的记录,回填误差又加入了一些好的记录You've got survivorship bias taking out bad records and then you've got backfill bias adding good records.

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所以生存偏差和回填偏差,会是对冲基金领域里一个相当重大的问题So the survivorship bias and the backfill bias would be much,much more of a problem in the hedge fund world.

土方开挖与回填是要有相应的安全措施,要严格按规范施工。Earth excavation and backfill is to have the appropriate security measures to strictly regulate the construction.

严禁回填土采取不分层夯实或向槽内灌水的方法回填。Strictly forbid to backfill soil without tamping layer after layer or backfilling with replenished water directly.

其实失败的经理人超过130位,因为除了生存偏差之外,还有称为回填偏差的影响Now,more than 130 managers failed because, in addition to survivorship bias, there's something called backfill bias.

采用分层回填土的方法,可有效的避免在大面积深基坑回填土时土压力对柱身的破坏。This method effectively prevents damage to foundation pillar in large-scale backfill of deep foundation pit projects.

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并基于工程力学对充填体强度及其安全性进行了分析研究。An analysis study was conducted on the strength and safety of the backfill material based on the engineering mechanics.

介绍了铜绿山矿不脱泥尾矿充填材料和充填工艺试验。The paper describes the undeslimed tailings filling material test and the backfill test made at Tonglushan Copper Mine.

埋设深度主要与管材的刚度有关,同时与管道敷设地点的地质条件和设计回填土的密实度有关。The bury depth is mainly related to the rigidity of the pipe, geological conditions and designed density of backfill soil.