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在音调上升高半音的。Music raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone.

木梁的吱吱声成了井水的伴音。Squeak coming from wood beams becomes semitone of well water.

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全方位的调整,从一个半音,以一个八度向上或向下。Full range adjustments from one semitone to an octave up or down.

伟大的视觉饲料回半音管理单元,和实际音高的指标。Great visual feed-back with semitone snap, and actual pitch indicator.

比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个。半音。的。Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.

“音块”就是把全音、半音或微分音叠置起来,而形成一种新的集合体。"Block Music" is the whole tone, semitone or tone overlay with differential, and the formation of a new collection.

外形上,塑造成自然的平面能让手指可以流畅轻松地移动,并更容易抓住半音。It's outer form, with it's naturally moulded planes enables a fluent relaxed finger movement and simplifies the semitone grip.

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温家宝和其他一些官员最近开始频频提及“微调”这个词,暗示着目前的管控可能过于严厉了,但是只过头了一点点而已。Mr Wen and other officials have begun to talk of “fine-tuning”, suggesting existing controls may be a semitone too sharp, but no more.

变音记号加在音符之前的符号,表示该音符要升高或降低半音或全音。Accidentals are signs added before notes to indicate that they should be modified by a half step or semitone or a whole step or whole tone.

首先利用基音分析技术将整个音频波形分割为若干基音周期,然后以半音为单位将连续的基音周期组织成音频段落,并在各个段落内部按指定比例进行缩放。The audio waveform is divided into several pieces according to the pitch period, and then the successive pieces with the same semitone arc grouped into one segment.

首先利用基音分析技术将整个音频波形分割为若干基音周期,然后以半音为单位将连续的基音周期组织成音频段落,并在各个段落内部按指定比例进行缩放。The audio waveform is divided into several pieces according to the pitch period, and then the successive pieces with the same semitone are grouped into one segment.

“半音化”的和声理论,这五个方面的理论进行系统、全面的研究,并说明研究这些理论的作用和意义。"Semitone" harmony theory, these five aspect theory carries on the systematic and comprehensive research, and explains studies on the function and significance of these theories.

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合成器提供了由处理器进行监控响应的各种控制接口,包括半音接口、八度接口、定调接口。The synthesizer is provided with various control interfaces which are monitored by the processor for response such as the semitone interface, octave interface and pitch interface.