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他说话间歇时总爱用“呃”“嗯”之类的话搭头。He used such mannerism as “er” and “uh” to fill in a pause.

举手投足间展示着天生王者的绝对影响力!Its mannerism shows absolute domination power of inborn crown!

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挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服。He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.

为何艺术家要从文艺复兴的古典主义转到矫饰主义上来?Why do you think artists would change from renaissance classicism to mannerism?

从口音、举止和思维习惯上看,他完全是东欧人。In accent, mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European.

就像人类一样,几乎所有的道德要求,电机式空气的功能。Like humans, almost all mannerism of contraptions that has a motor requires air to function.

它可以工作在电影,但议案摄录残忍的眼睛会作出愚蠢每个奇习气两次。It may work on film, butthecruel eye ofthemotion capture cameras will make every odd mannerism twiceasgoofy.

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在西方抽象表现主义风潮与中国文字的灵感启迪中,陈荫罴找到了自己独特的个人风格。With the mannerism of Western Abstract Art and his inspiration from Chinese characters, Chann has found his unique style.

我无法形容他给我的印象,他的言行举止以及我们提问时他乐于帮助的态度。I can't tell you how impressed I was with his mannerism and just how willing he was to help and do anything that we asked him.

有力的演说者他的声调去面对的观众,力求分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求习惯性口头语。Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.

有影响力的演说者调整他的声调去面对大量的观众,力求避免分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求避免习惯性口头语。Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.

以往在传统教育中被视为教育理论基础的行为主义理论已淡出历史舞台,取而代之的是建构主义理论。Mannerism theory has been substituted by construction's theory, which was regarded as basic teaching theory in the traditional teaching.

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但在他生命的最后几年,褐变的诗歌和他的旧力呈现衰退的态度成了明显的缺陷和襄阳。But in the last years of his life, Browning's poetic power showed a decline and his old defects of obscurity and mannerism became obvious.

有感于十六世纪矫饰主义与二十世纪以来艺术发展的情形类似,因此兴起深入研究的动机。This article is motivated by the similarities between the evolution of Mannerism in the 16th century and the evolution of art since the 20th century.

同时以个人的角度阐述在当今多元文化的背景下艺术向着多样化发展,本人在创作实践过程中对风格主义的认识。Described in terms of both individuals in the context of today's multi-cultural arts toward diversification, I practice in the creation of awareness on Mannerism.

要积极开展“文明出行、文明购物、文明上网、文明交友”为重点内容的“文明伴我行”系列主题教育活动。Conduct actively the "Civilization Accompanies Me" thematic education activities highlighting good mannerism in travelling, shopping, Internet surfing and consorting.

本论文由探讨矫饰主义名称之起源开始,进一步厘清矫饰主义艺术之种种疑难问题,以澄清其在西洋艺术史之地位。This article starts with a search for the root of Mannerism, followed by clarification for unsettled problems in order to establish the historical stature for Mannerism.

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结语简要分析米开朗基罗的新柏拉图主义文艺创作对样式主义艺术和雕塑家罗丹的影响。In the epilogue, I take a summary analysis about the influence of Michelangelo's Neoplatonic literary and artistic creation on Mannerism and Rodin, the sculptor of the 19th century.

就这样,姜叙述达利的性格为他带来的经历,一半是来自对他怪诞的敬畏,另一半则是对他的乖癖感到愤怒。In doing so, Kang narrates the effect of Dali's personality in the past as half of his surrounding were in awe of his eccentrics whereas the other half felt a strong irritation to his mannerism.