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请快去请医生。Please send for a doctor ASAP.

让你的销售尽快给我打电话。Have your salesman call me ASAP.

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请尽快检查并给予回复。Check it out and get back to me ASAP.

顺便说一句请尽快传银行水单给我。BTW , Pls. fax your banks slip to me asap.

因名额有限,请尽速将本表寄回,以免向隅。Space is limited, please submit this form ASAP.

请将模拟起坐,我需要尽快完成这项工作。Please send mock ups, I need this job done ASAP.

我将尽快写下第一个令我印象深刻的事情。I'll try to write about my first impressions asap.

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我们做句型练习,你们必需尽快做出反映。Letwis do the pattern drill. You must respond asap.

我们要找个东西来盖住这个洞,尽快。We need to find something to cover this hole, ASAP.

发送电子邮件确认函后,尽快交易。Send a confirmation email ASAP after the transaction.

如果我们考虑你们的话,我们需要你们尽快寄报价单。If we have to consider you, we need the quotation ASAP.

请尽快发给我详细的产品描述。Please also send me detailed product descriptions asap.

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部署的獭兔,并尽快作出突发无人驾驶飞机和一些信息战。I deploy the rax ASAP and make a burst drone and a few IW.

因此,如果您有任何疑问,请询问。我会尽快答复。So, if you have questions, please ask. I will answer asap.

清在这里留下你的联系方式,我会尽快和你联系。Please leave your message here and I will contact you ASAP.

这就是ASAP方法论,目前仍在使用。This was the ASAP methodology and it is still in use today.

它会发到我的邮箱里,我会尽快给你答复。This will send an email to me and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

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如果她已经知道了这些技巧再尽快加大步伐。If she has those skills then fast forward to step four, ASAP.

我们将会尽快给您发收款人地址和姓名。We will send you the name of privat person and the address ASAP.

除此之外的境况里,把恐惧先升到三是个不错的主意。Otherwise it is usually a good idea to get Fear to 3 points asap.