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我认为这个OOP的基本原则之一。I thought this is the basic rule of OOP.

我在其中大量使用了模板来实作出传统的OOP中的类。Templates are mostly used to implement traditional OOP classes.

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奥伯龙如何OOP的面向对象模型不同于标准吗?。How does Oberon's object oriented model differ from standard OOP?

这是面向对象编程里的一个重要概念。This substitutability is one of the most powerful concepts in OOP.

但在面向对象编程中有没有对象的情况下机器语言。But in the case of oop programing there are no objects in machine language.

它更接近与依赖函数调用的函数式语言,而非面向对象语言It is more of a functional languages relying on function calls rather than OOP.

采用OOP编程方法,对CFB热力计算系统进行了具体的编程。The software programming of the CFB Thermal Calculation System is done with OOP method.

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HBASE是一个时态数据库管理系统原型,它的SQL解释器是用面向对象的方法实现的。Hbase is a Prototype of Temporal DBMS. Its SQL Interpreter is Implemented by OOP Method.

我在这里不讨论OOP的优点,我只指出OOP不够难,无法淘汰平庸的程序员。Without debating OOP on the merits, it is just not hard enough to weed out mediocre programmers.

但是,这就可以说面向对象成为选修、我们的学生就可以等到毕业后再学习这些知识吗?But does that mean OOP can become optional or that we can wait for students to learn it after college?

最后,就利用面向对象技术和多线程技术实现以上系统做了一些探讨。And it is discussed that realization of the system utilizing the technology of the OOP and multi-thread.

虽然这些需求都是现实存在的,并来自于经验,但它们并不能用纯OOP来优雅地解决。While all these requirements are realistic and drawn from experience, they cannot be elegantly addressed using pure OOP.

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个人现金卫生支出比例的下降并不代表群众不存在“看病贵”问题,其背后仍隐含不少问题。The decline in the proportion of OOP expenditure does not mean that the patients dont have any problems on high health expenditures.

在开发学校录取新生系统中,结合面向对象方法,阐述了实现软件工程化的开发过程及要求。This article explains the process and requirement of realizing software engineering in the exploitation of matriculating system by OOP.

说明这种编程方法在智能型车辆控制仿真中具有很大的潜力与应用前景。From the given example, it indicates that OOP method in vehicle dynamics and intelligent transportation simulation are of potential application.

与面向对象编程语言编写的程序,一般长度较短,较少错误,或错误比非面向对象编程语言编写的。Programs written with OOP languages are generally shorter in length and contain fewer bugs, or mistakes, than those written with non-OOP languages.

从子程序演变到OOP,到DLLs,再到COM,再到.NET框架的每一种新的编程范例都代表了一种不同的提供可重用性的方案。Every new programming paradigm from subroutines to OOP to DLLs to COM to the .NET Framework represents a different scheme for providing reusability.

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我们自己也很吃惊基于同样的OOP感念呈现出不同的设计模式,这些不同的设计模式有助于我们进一步理解OOP。We ourselves were surprised at how different design patterns brought out different perspectives on the same OOP concept and helped further clarify it.

以给定积分器电路和双闭环晶闸管供电直流调速系统中等效速度环调节回路为例,说明求解过程。The resolving Procedures represented by resolving set-integrator circuit and equivalent speed loop regulating circuit of double close oop SCR-D system.

对信贷知识库中的事实库和规则库做了定义,提出了一种面向对象的知识模型表示方法,对相关的知识类给出了具体定义和推理规则。Fact base and rule base of loan knowledge base are defined, knowledge model based on OOP is presented and knowledge class and reasoning rule are proposed.