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是的,但恐怕你得先交押金。How much is the deposit?

您可以付一些预付金吗?May I have some deposit?

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我要去存款。I need to make a deposit.

请您预付点订金。Will you please pay a deposit?

将你的行李放在存物柜里。Deposit your luggage in the locker.

他在银行里有大笔存款。He has a large deposit in the bank.

但是没办法,我已经在她身上下了定金。I put a deposit down on her anyway.

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我想要开个定期存款帐户。I think I’d like a deposit account.

她将为你办理手续。She'll handle your deposit for you.

可以堆焊在锰钢上。Deposit on manganese steel possible.

上星期我们为一部车预付了定金。We left thirty pounds for a deposit.

你知道我说的存款是什么意思么?Do you know what I mean by a deposit?

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先生,您要先付200元的定金。There will be a deposit of ¥200, sir.

您们提供保险箱出租业务吗?Do you offer safe deposit box renting?

但您一开始就要确定存期。We offer time certificates of deposit.

这是一个沉积岩类型铀矿床。An uranium deposit is sedimentary rock.

我可以通过自动柜员机存钱吗?Can I deposit my money through the ATM?

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我需要填写存款单吗?Do i need to fill out the deposit slip?

请勿将废物抛入厕盆内。Please do not deposit into toilet bowl.

请先填写这张存款凭条。Please fill in this deposit slip first.