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那位丈夫在每个周六修剪草坪。The husband mows his lawn on Saturdays.

你可以周六和周日不工作。You can have Saturdays and Sundays off.

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为什么庄米雪星期六才能做房事?Sex only on Saturdays for Michelle Chong?!

本署于星期六不提供此项服务。This service is not available on Saturdays.

每周六我经常看书和看电视。I often read books and watch TV on Saturdays.

约翰每周六在杂货店做店员。John clerks in the grocery store on Saturdays.

他经常在星期六来看我。It ison Saturdays that he often comes to see me.

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在周六我还会管理一家酒行。And on Saturdays I manage the local liquor store.

这张联票不能用于星期六和星期日。This coupon isn't good for Saturdays and Sundays.

我过去常在星期六去游泳,可现在我不。I used to go swimming on Saturdays but now I don't.

我建议周六作为你的“野外节食者”日。I recommend Saturdays as your “Dieters Gone Wild” day.

但一周的很多时候,像周六和周末,But a lot of times on week, like Saturdays and Weekends,

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现在到了周六吉吉就带着她的女儿到公园。Gigi now takes her little girl to the park on Saturdays.

每个月第二和第四个星期六,早上10-11点。Second and fourth Saturdays of each month, from 10-11 AM.

每个星期六早上至少有五个频道播放卡通节目。AAt least five channels have morning cartoons on Saturdays.

星期六的邮袋早已轻于工作日。Postbags are already lighter on Saturdays than on weekdays.

下个月每逢星期六我将练健美操,星期一练太极拳。Next month I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays.

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例如,我们可能希望将星期六和星期天排除掉。As an example, we might wish to exclude Saturdays and Sundays.

我爱在礼拜六睡觉,我爱大学足球比赛。I love sleeping on Saturdays and I love college football games.

每逢星期六,她总是要睡过平时的起床时间。She always oversleeps the time she generally gets up on Saturdays.