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这里没有矛盾。No conflict there.

和苹果冲突?Conflict with Apple?

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她也讨厌冲突。She also hates conflict.

但要注意保持冲突的单一性。Keep the conflict simple.

我们扯谎是为了避免冲突。We fib to avoid conflict.

你能妥善解决冲突吗?。Do you handle conflict weU?

但是,小摩擦并不等于冲突。But friction is not conflict.

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对话中包含冲突。Include conflict in dialogue.

其中不存在任何利益冲突There was no conflict at all.

这是永远存在的冲突。And that's a perpetual conflict.

这些就可能成为冲突点。That can be a point of conflict.

武装冲突的可能性。Possibility of an armed conflict.

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有些冲突悬而未决。There is some conflict in the air.

但是一场利益冲突是显然的。But a conflict of interest is plain.

他们都成了冲突的牺牲品。They’re all victims of the conflict.

这就是冲突的症结所在。This is what this conflict is about.

你怎么敢顶撞你的老板?How dare you conflict with your boss?

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主要是宗教冲突呢?Is it primarily a religious conflict?

这就造成了冲突和不和谐。This creates conflict and disharmony.

我可能过多的表达了冲突。I probably overrepresent the conflict.