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侵蚀目标的蒸汽。Vapor that corrodes target.

空气中饱含着潮气。The air was charged with vapor.

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该保鲜储藏格可以使水汽保留在里面。The crisper keeps water vapor in.

水蒸气会穿过我的皮肤。Water vapor goes through my skin.

水如受热,就会液体变气体。Heated, water will change into vapor.

那就是水分从你的身体中蒸发掉了。That’s water vapor leaving your body.

防止吸入漆雾和溶剂气体。Avoid inhaling mist and solvent vapor.

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它劝诱我走向雾气朦胧的黄昏。It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

冷风使水蒸汽凝结成雨。The cold wind condenses vapor into rain.

可以预计蒸汽压会下降。You expect the vapor pressure to go down.

从固态到液体的这个过程,叫做长华。This process is sublimation, solid to vapor.

日照香炉生紫烟。In Sunshine Censer Peak breathes purple vapor.

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云是由空中极细微的水滴构成。Clouds are formations of condensed water vapor.

须用泡沫控制气体逸出。Foam should be used to control vapor emissions.

最后云气散尽,出现了一张巨大的脸,神情沮丧。At last a great sad face looked out of the vapor.

这些植物进行蒸发,释放出更多的水蒸气。The plants transpire to give off more water vapor.

可配装白炽灯、汞灯、金卤灯。Suitable for incandescent lamp, mercury vapor lamp.

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水在一定的情况下变为冰或蒸汽。Water becomes ice or vapor under certain conditions.

一架飞机从空中飞过,尾部拖着一条水汽形成的白线。An airplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor.

高空飞机留下了道道清晰可见的水汽。High-flying jets leave visible trails of water vapor.