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要实行这样的逻辑。Well, it may be a kind of irrationality.

非理性主义试图切近传统理性生长之根而施与消解式疗治。Irrationality attempts to offer a cure by coming to its root.

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而Buss创造了一个问题“克服非理性”。And Buss coins the problem “overcoming irrationality.” He wrote

促进稳定物价和缓解价格矛盾。We promoted price stability and alleviated price irrationality.

作为心理学家,我们必定对宗教非理性的程度印象深刻。As psychologists we must be struck by the depth of religious irrationality.

宗教批评家们可能说,这恰恰说明了信徒们的非理性。Critics of religion might say that this just shows the manifest irrationality of religion.

目前我国规定的税务处理较为复杂,且存在诸多不合理之处。At present in China, the regulated tax process is complicated and exists some irrationality.

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正是在这种时刻表现出来的“合理的非理性”让我们清楚地看到了悲伤的本质。It is in such moments of rational irrationality that the nature of grief is made plain to us.

笔者发现刑法中的相关规定存在不必要、不合理、不明确等多个缺陷。And unclarity, dispensability, and irrationality are found as major flaws in current stipulation.

其他学者之前曾声称,理性和非理性都是进化的结果。Other scholars have previously argued that reasoning and irrationality are both products of evolution.

我认为这种现象的出现,并不能仅用人类的无知和非理性就可以解释。I don’t think that this can be accounted for merely in terms of the ignorance or irrationality of human beings.

另外,情志所伤、饮食不当和病理产物性病因亦是荨麻疹发病的重要原因。Injured emotion, dietetic irrationality and pathogenic factors were also important factors resulting to urticaria.

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在制度层面上,我国农地征收及其相关制度的不合理是导致农地征收异化问题产生的制度根源。Depending on the law system, the irrationality of expropriating system leads to the dissimilation of land expropriation.

同时也对我国目前设计考试的不合理及人才选拔制度的片面性进行了评述。It also talks about the irrationality of present design examination method and the one-sidedness in talent selection system.

这一次,金价的上涨较为温和——就目前来看,但投资者的不理性似乎更加严重。This time, the rise in the gold price is more modest – so far – but the irrationality of investors is, if anything, greater.

不合理用药主要表现为选药不当、给药时间不当等。Irrationality of drug-use was mainly revealed in improper selection of drugs and administration of drugs at inopportune time.

进而分析了财政资金违规的行为之所以存在的合理性及不合理性。From these reasons, it also cognizes and analyses the rationality and irrationality of the existence of these violation funds.

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戴维森提出的“非理性悖论”揭示了非理性论证在实践推理中的两难困境。The "paradox of irrationality" put forward by Davison discloses the dilemma of the irrational argument in practical reasoning.

从动产抵押在罗马法的兴衰亦可见登记对抗主义的不合理性。On the other hand, the experience of chattel mortgage in Roman law can also manifest the irrationality of registration antagonism.

住院手术病人抗菌药物的不合理使用情况比住院非手术病人和门诊病人更突出。The irrationality of using antibiotics is more prominent in surgical inpatients comparing to non-surgical inpatients and outpatients.