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你是个有眼力的人。You are an observant man.

属鸡的人观察力非常敏锐。Rooster is a very observant person.

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我们都愿意相信我们的正确判断和敏锐观察力。We all like to think that we are accurate and observant.

他对科学的追求已使他成为一个观察力敏锐的人。His scientific pursuits had made him a very observant man.

无论你在做什么,对于你周围所发生的一切要善于观察。Whatever you do, be observant of what is going on around you.

他的精神总是平稳的,并且他又是个循规蹈矩的人。His spirits were always equable and he was an observant person.

安妮情真意切地希望他不要太挑剔,太认真了。Most earnestly did she wish he might not be too nice or too observant.

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一方面,从错误中,我们要学会更加细心,学会观察入微。For one thing, from mistakes, we learn to be more careful and observant.

他认为外邦人进入教会,但仍要遵守犹太律法。He sees Gentiles coming into the church but still being Torah observant.

她应该是一个纯粹的“军事设备”——一个智能婴儿,眼观六路且机警敏捷。She was pure military stock— an intelligent tot, wide-eyed and observant.

一个机警的店员清楚地记得那个强盗的穿着。An observant shop assistant remembered exactly what the robber was wearing.

他很聪明、知识渊博还很善于观察。他可以解决一切案件。He is smart, knowledgeable and observant. He can solve any difficult cases.

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所以我们要善于观察,将周围的任何事情都当作可能的灵感源头。Be observant. See everything around you as a possible source of inspiration.

修行,我们应从生活中,所遇到的人和事去觉醒观照。In cultivation, we should be awake and observant on dealing with others in life.

这就是麦克,锋利,敏锐而热忱—不论做记者还是新闻官都如此。That's him—Sharp, observant and earnest—No matter as a reporter or Press Attaché.

如果可以,请你仔细留意自己的行为,并从我的错误经历中总结出教训。If you can, try be observant of your own behaviour and to learn from my mistakes.

善于观察思想的人也会在这个运动中认出印度教信仰的影响。Observant students of ideas will recognize Hindu beliefs in this movement as well.

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他拥有遵守犹太律法的基督教,耶稣是被认可的弥赛亚。He has a Torah observant form of Christianity, with Jesus as the recognized Messiah.

善于观察的医生常常能从人的表情、姿势以及动作诊察出抑郁症。An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture , and movement.

这些形容词都意味着按某种即定的方式或安排进行或严格遵守该方式或安排。These adjectives mean proceeding in or observant of a prescribed pattern or arrangement.