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将每本书当作是一个七巧板。Treat a book like a jigsaw puzzle.

孩子们在拼英语拼板。The kids are playing bilingual jigsaw puzzle.

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我们想把这些拼板都拼起来。We are trying to put the jigsaw puzzle together.

JDK模块化使用了Jigsaw模块化系统。JDK modularization uses the Jigsaw module system.

这就像是找到智力拼图的最后一块一样。It is like finding the last piece of jigsaw puzzle.

单击这个按钮,然后再单击这个绿色的拼图块。Click that button, then click the green jigsaw puzzle piece.

一款以西班牙斗牛士为背景的拼图游戏!A matador in Spain against the background of the jigsaw puzzle!

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就像七巧板一样,每一枚奖牌就是一项大师们的杰出设计。Like a jigsaw puzzle, each medal is a piece of the master design.

杰克喜欢拼图案游戏,他正想把两个小拼图拼在一起。Jack loves jigsaw puzzles. He is trying to fit two pieces together.

就好像人体是个拼图,我们给每块拼图对应一个专科,却忘记了他们事实上都是整体的一部分,而我们做的每件事都只是从某一专科来影响整个人体。We have divided the human body into a jigsaw puzzle of component parts.

积木、七巧板和纵横字游戏是一些不错的例子。Building block toys and jigsaw puzzles and crosswords are good examples.

自从今天早上九点钟,玉玲已在拼图画了。Yuling has been doing the jigsaw puzzle since nine o'clock this morning.

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由冰冻形成的岩石和土壤像一个巨大的拼图玩具覆盖著必恳峡谷。A giant jigsaw puzzle of stone and soil shaped by frost paves Beacon Valley.

主营玩具轨道车、合金车模型,智力拼图等等多种类型玩具!Main rail car toy, alloy car models, jigsaw puzzles and so many types of toys!

但是我们还不确定我们已经找到了这个拼图中的所有拼块。But we are not sure that we have found all the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle yet.

上校之殁是这场游戏收官的重要一步。The demise of Colonel Qaddafi is a vital piece of the jigsaw falling into place.

其它受欢迎的玩具还有字母砖、帆船、拼图和诺亚的方舟。Other popular toys were alphabet bricks, sailing boats, jigsaw puzzles and Noah's Arks.

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Scratch把例行程序变成拼图的形式,让孩子们可以自由拖放摆置程序。Scratch lets children drag and drop routines that take the form of jigsaw puzzle pieces.

孩子们围着桌子组合拼图,这个拼图游戏的完成图即是地球的卫星图像。Kids crowd at table to put together jigsaw puzzles based on satellite images of the Earth.

互补式阅读是合作学习的方式之一,可以促进学生自主学习。Jigsaw reading, as one of the cooperative learning methods, can stimulate independent learning.