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别那么神神秘秘的。Don't be so mysterious.

神秘的石球。Mysterious stone balls.

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语言具有魔力。It has mysterious powers.

保持神秘感呗,给的越少,留给想象的空间就越大。Be mysterious. Less is more.

生活可能会十分玄妙。Life can be very mysterious.

神秘的雹云和雾。Mysterious clouds and mists.

魔法师非常神秘。The enchanter is very mysterious.

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一定是一种很神奇的药。Must be a kind of mysterious drug.

不可思议的,含糊难解的。Of a mysterious or obscure nature.

水波纹是装饰还是一种符号?Ripples or a kind of mysterious code?

这种想法简直是匪夷所思It's got to seem very mysterious to us.

那么这些谜一样的粒子在哪里呢?So where are these mysterious particles?

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这位神秘的女乘客突然不见了。The mysterious woman passenger vanished.

晋王见妻子如此神秘。The king of jin see a wife so mysterious.

那是一种神秘又美丽的牵系。It is a mysterious and beautiful goodness.

从圣马提尼克岛神秘的女人。Of the mysterious lady from St Martinique.

怪盗班纳伊与缎带奖杯!!Mysterious Thief Bannai & The Ribbon Cup! !

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人的心智是一个神秘莫测的谜团。The mind is a mysterious, mysterious thing.

嗯,龙看起来又神秘又奇妙。Well, dragons seem mysterious and wonderful.

一个装着神秘商品的购物袋?A shopping bag with some mysterious products?