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但黄金投资者记恨这个。But gold bugs hated it.

大多数的昆虫都有六只脚。Most bugs have six legs.

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那个人真让我心烦。That man really bugs me.

固定两个意崩溃的错误。Fixed two ICO crash bugs.

那吵声真叫我心烦。That noise really bugs me.

就连兔八哥都能配上瓦格纳。Even Bugs Bunny did Wagner.

修正了其他一些小问题。Fixed a few other misc bugs.

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那间有水虫的公寓?The one with the water bugs?

南瓜叶上的绿虫子。Green bugs on the pumpkin leaf.

我告诉你,那才叫我讨厌呐。I tell you -- it really bugs me!

我告诉你,那才叫我讨厌呐。I tell you —— it really bugs me!

来帮助你发现。bugs Things to help you find bugs.

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这些虫子每天吸食许多树液。These bugs drink much sap every day.

在这个阶段,错误只是一些症状。At this stage, bugs are only symptoms.

一些电子垃圾邮件有电脑病毒。Some spam may include bugs or viruses.

一个零化学药剂的扑灭臭重新方法。A chemical-free method to treat bed bugs.

奶类中验出大肠菌羣代表含有恶菌吗?Coliforms in Milk – Presence of Bad Bugs?

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正如死亡和税收一样,错误是不可避免的。Bugs are as inevitable as death and taxes.

兔八哥是我最喜欢的卡通人物。Bugs Bunny is my favorite cartoon character.

在大肚子云下搜寻小虫。Cruising for bugs beneath the bellied cloud.