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今晚真热死人了。It's really broiling tonight.

这热辣辣的太阳快把我烤焦了!I am broiling in this hot sun!

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这烈日快把我们烤焦了。We are broiling in this hot sun!

赤日炎炎,把青草晒得干枯。The broiling sun scorched the grass.

跟我说说吧!整个世界好像在火上烤一样。Tell me about it! It's like the whole world is broiling.

肉,与其炸着吃,不如烤着吃。Rather than frying meat, try baking, grilling or broiling.

小伙子们赤裸着上身在灼热的阳光下干活。The young fellows worked bare to the waist in the broiling sun.

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天气不适合架烤时,可以用炉烤来代替。When the weather's not right for grilling, try broiling instead.

酷热的夏天,吃什么样的食物才算是健康饮食?。Broiling summer, what kind of food to eat to just be healthy diet?

埃玛被炎热的太阳烤得全身无力,几乎昏倒。Emma was so enervated by the broiling sun that she nearly fainted.

烧、烤及焗,可使鸡的脂肪流走。Barbecuing, broiling , or roasting chicken allows fat to drip away.

不知为什么,她原以为永远是酷热的中午呢。Somehow, she had imagined it would remain broiling hot noon forever.

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烤架用平行的金属条构成的用来烤鱼或肉的平面构架。A flat framework of parallel metal bars used for broiling meat or fish.

推荐大家用烤,烧,炖或者煎的方法来制作。Recommended preparations include grilling, broiling , braising and pan-roasting.

像这些在毒热的太阳下烤着的浑身血污和恶臭的身体,她从来没有见过。Never anything like these stinking, bleeding bodies broiling under the glaring sun.

不仅要重视中药的配方,还应重视中药的焙制和煎制方法。The methods of broiling and decocting for Chinese medicine should also be appreciated.

当你希望美味与快捷、简便、不麻烦能够兼得时,炉烤是上佳的选择。Broiling is great when you want a fast, simple, hassle-free preparation with delicious results.

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此外,一盎司面包或土豆比一盎司牛排或烤牛肉的热量要小。A slice of beef, such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters, suitable for broiling or frying.

一名厨师,烹饪技术应该出色,炒、煎、炖、烤样样拿手。As a chef, one should manipulate cooking techniques such as frying , pan-frying , braising and broiling.

我离开时,两个妇人吵得很凶,一个小时后我回来了,他们还在吵。When I left, two women were quarreling noisily, when I returned an hour later, they were still broiling.