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第一百六十四条地役权不得单独转让。Article 164 The easement may not be transferred alone.

第一百六十五条地役权不得单独抵押。Article 165 An easement shall not be mortgaged separately.

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地役权是物权法上的一项重要制度。Easement is an important system in The Law of Real Property.

竞业禁止地役权就是在这一背景下产生和发展起来的。Noncompetition easement is producing and developing in this context.

地役权是传统用益物权之一。Easement is one of the traditional usufructuary right of re al right.

对土地享有利用权者也有权取得对水资源的利用权。So water right includes ownership, use right and easement in our country.

对于积极地役权,举个例子就是对他人的土地所享有的权利。An example of a positive easement is a right of way over another person's land.

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任何军事上过于激进的行动,将使中国数十年政治和解的努力化为乌有。This would void what would by then be decades of efforts at political easement.

最后对地役权制度立法体系的选择作了说明。Finally, the author made an explanation about the option of legislation system of easement.

第一百六十八条地役权人有下列情形之一的,供役地权利人有权解除地役权合同,地役权消灭。In case an easement holder is under any of the following circumstances, and the easement shall be.

第一百五十七条设立地役权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立地役权合同。Article 157 For creating an easement, the parties shall enter into a contract for easement in written form.

第一百五十七条设立地役权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立地役权合同。Article157for establishing an easement the parties concerned shall enter into an written easement contract.

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缓和曲线推出,即曲率变化,稳步形成一条直线,以达到预期的半径。Easement curve was introduced, whereby curvature changes steadily form a straight line to the desired radius.

后来又有一些人因欧文斯夫妇为自己的一些土地申请了保护地役权而产生了忧虑。Then there were some people who were worried because they put some of their land into a conservation easement.

新型地役权的出现,需要对其概念进行科学的界定。这一权利的设定需要法理的支撑。We have to define a scientific concept for the new easement , and that needs the supporting of the right legal.

其次论述了地役权制度的立法中应坚持的立法原则。Secondly, the author thought we should keep to the legislation principles in the legislation of easement system.

2000年的时候,另一场论战爆发了,在一起涉及保护地役权的税务争端中,欧文斯夫妇起诉了邦德里县。In 2000, another controversy erupted when the Owenses sued the county in a tax dispute over the conservation easement.

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最后,从相邻权与人格权、地役权、环境权的比较中明晰相邻权的性质。At last, it clarifies the nature of the neighboring right by comparing it with personal right, easement and environment right.

电影中他无须多言,只静静地站在那里,就能够给人一种安心、踏实的感觉。In movies, he, without many words, as long as stands there quietly, can give the audiences a feeling of easement and assurance.

编制财产获取和地役权协定,视为整体施工进度表的一部分。Development of property acquisition and easement agreements will also be considered as part of the overall construction schedule.