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你应该带黄。色彩越来越。You should be getting a yellowish tinge.

如果你对他们说“不”,你会觉得有点罪恶感。If you say no, you feel a tinge of guilt.

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是一家非常具有现代气息的酒吧。Frangipani Bar &café is full of modern tinge.

这里有着浓厚、典型的塞北文化气息。It is full of strong and typical Saibei culture tinge.

第二类是男性的简森派色彩。The second category is that of men of Jansenist tinge.

有着浅金略青的诱人色彩。The color is Pale gold with an attractive greenish tinge.

其中的一些让蓝或紫色色调的光线。Some of these give a bluish or purplish tinge to the light.

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被蔗螟啃过的甘蔗,果肉由白转红。Sugarcane borers turn the white pulp of the cane to a reddish tinge.

要给基督教禁欲主义涂上一层社会主义的色彩,是再容易不过了。Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge.

乌黑的铜器需要阳光的照射,才能显出它们发绿的颜色。The dark bronzes wanted sunlight upon them to bring out their tinge of green.

周围的黑影越来越浓,最后一丝绿意也从天空中消失了,春天的温馨已被微微的寒意所取代。tinge had left the sky and a slight chill was displacing the balminess of spring.

滑雪索道悬吊在白杨树上空,白杨树的叶子刚刚开始染上一丝黄色。Ski lifts idled above aspens, their leaves just beginning to show a tinge of yellow.

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可能含有一丝丝紫蓝色或灰色,平均肤色的紫罗兰花。Violet may contain a tinge of blue or gray, the average colour of the violet flower.

然而“快乐”是一种金玫瑰色,浅金色中带着一抹红色,非常淡的红色。Whereas Joy is a golden rose color, a pale gold with a tinge of red, a very pale red.

标准的治疗方法是使用明亮的蓝色光线重置患者的生物钟。The standard treatment is to use bright light with a blue tinge to reset the body clock.

铋性硬、脆、有光泽,颜色灰白并带独特的浅红色彩。Hard, Brittle, and lustrous, it has a distinctive gray-white colour with a reddish tinge.

在这里生活六年,杰璐先生变的很清瘦,眼睛泛黄。After six years on the continent, Mr. Jallow is rail thin, and his eyes have a yellow tinge.

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由于道教在白族地区的长期渗透,白族民间文学浸润着浓郁的道教色彩。Bai folk literature shows a strong Taoist tinge due to the long-term dissemination of Taoism.

他是一个深具宗教气质的人,因此他的情绪上便必然会染上虔敬的色调。Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in his mind.

我承认我感到完全没了方向,没有一丁点旅行带来的兴奋感觉。What I felt was total disorientation along with, I have to admit, no small tinge of excitement.