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台湾凤尾蕨科之孢子形态。Title Spore morphology of Formosan Pteridaceae.

台湾南岛语言有着重要的历史意义。The Formosan languages have great historic value.

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台湾黑熊处于灭绝的边缘。Formosan black bears are on the verge of extinction.

台湾植物花粉的资料储存及识别系统。A data storage and retrieval system for Formosan pollen grans.

大陆人对待台湾姑娘是十分心毒手辣的。The Chinese were quite heartless in their treatment of Formosan girls.

他们马上就把许多台湾青年拖到大街上枪毙。They immediately dragged many Formosan youths into the street and shot them.

在林诉美案下,台湾人遭受,被中华民国迫害的「充分恐惧」。Well-founded fear of ROC persecution of the Formosan nationality under Lin v USA.

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台湾的樱花钩吻鲑是唯一生活在亚热带的鲑鱼。The Formosan landlocked salmon is the only salmon to live in a subtropical region.

国民党对台湾粮食的掠夺达到了犯罪的、甚至是逼死人的地步。The Kuomintang looting of Formosan food went to criminal and even murderous lengths.

欢迎来到费城台服基督教会网路资源链接库。Welcome to the Evangelical Formosan Church of Philadelphia resource link repository.

彩蝠1999年在台湾首次发现,地点在雪霸观雾地区周边的新竹白兰部落。Formosan wolly bat was first found in 1999 at Bailan Tribe near Guanwu area of Shei-Pa.

一只台湾猕猴一月十一日在台东县一座公园吃水果,背景中有两位女性。Formosan macaque eats fruit at a park while two women look on in Taitung County, Jan. 11.

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根据林诉美案,台湾国籍被旧金山和约界定为政炼狱。Under Lin v. US, the Formosan nationality was put in terms of political purgatory of SFPT.

台湾大屠杀震惊了中国人民,在很短的一段时间里甚至也使世界为之惊骇。The Formosan massacres shocked the Chinese people, and for a brief moment even the rest of the world.

只有雪霸清澈的七家湾溪和水温在16℃以下的条件下樱花钩吻鲑才得以生存。The Formosan Landlocked salmon can only thrive in the clear and cool waters below 16℃ in Chijiawan River.

研究结果证实,杉林溪台湾杜鹃根系之根菌结合体属于杜鹃类菌根。The results suggested that the root-fungus association of the Formosan azalea belong to ericoid mycorrhiza.

如今,有些人正竭尽心力要在台湾南岛语言永远失传前挽救它们。Today, some people are putting a lot of effort into saving Formosan languages before they are lost for good.

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在国家公园里,健行客可以瞥见台湾猕猴、鹿、野猪,甚至稀有的台湾黑熊的踪迹。Within the park, hikers can glimpse Formosan rock monkeys, deer, wild boar and even the rare Formosan black bear.

因为人口成长,台湾黑熊现在只出没于少数高山地区。Because of the increase in human population, the Formosan black bear now exists in only a few high-mountain areas.

林诉美案此刻正凸显出,在旧金山和约的法理管辖下,给予台湾国民难民身份。Lin v US is arguably now a legal justification for the granting of refugee status to Formosan nationals under SFPT.