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它被设计为一个陶笛。It is designed as an Ocarina.

我的陶笛流行曲练习,阿…An ocarina practice of a Chinese Pop.

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非常感谢您的讲座和带来的陶笛。I'm really grateful for your presentation and the ocarina.

我只是想告诉你学陶笛是多么有意思!I just wanted to let you know how much fun it was to learn ocarina !

陶笛实在是太有趣,我是被深深吸引了。It was very interesting and got me greatly interested in the ocarina.

友慧为了引起庆祥的注意而故意打破晓萱的陶笛。Youhui smashes Xiaoxuan's ocarina on purpose in a bid to attract Qingxiang's attention.

陶笛儿不由诧异,心说这样内向的人,怎么可能招惹她?Ocarina son not from surprised, heart says a so introverted person, how may provoke her?

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陶笛儿见对方扯到八竿子远,先是一愣。The ocarina son sees the other gathering pull to eight bamboo poles far, is one Leng first.

加上它听起来不仅有陶笛的声音,以及任何一个图书馆大声音的工具。Plus it can sound not only as Ocarina voice, but as any instrument from a large voices library.

男子声音虽然听起来粗枝大叶,但体贴的替陶笛儿解了围。Man voice however sounding is in spacious strokes, attention of solved to round for the ocarina son.

这首歌是从动画,火影忍者。这听起来美丽的那笛,我希望你喜欢!This is "Sadness and Sorrow" from the anime, Naruto. It sounds very beautiful on the ocarina and I hope you enjoy it!

唐若琳被她一提醒,连忙结结巴巴向陶笛儿介绍雷家二人。If Tang Lin drive she on cautioning, hurriedly stammer is 2 people in the house to the ocarina son introduction thunder.

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陶笛具有简单易学、声音高雅、体积小巧、携带方便等特色,因此,广受众人所喜爱。Ocarina is featured with simple, easy, elegant sound, compact and carry-easy characteristics and therefore is widely acceptable.

陶笛儿开始并没有注意到那个安静的男子,见雷燃天介绍,才打量起对方。The ocarina son starts doing not notification to that quiet man and saw thunder Ran introduce for sky and fair starts to conjecture the other gathering.

陶笛儿见他相貌并不比唐若涵大上多少,听他这么一说,不由为难的看向雷燃天。The ocarina son sees diverse Tang of his looks if Han greatly last how much, Moncler France, hear to him so on saying, not from difficult of visit a sky toward the thunder Ran.

陶笛儿连忙将场面话递过去,但心里对这个细心又豪爽的男子却有了几分好感。The ocarina son hurriedly passes condition words in the elapse, merely in the idea to this with calm consideration ugg short straightforward of man had several cents the good will.