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什么是疑问功能?What is the interrogative function?

对此,她感到很迷惑。To this, she feels very interrogative.

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他以疑问的口气提出问题。He asked a question in an interrogative tone.

二书中疑问代词的使用十分普遍。The interrogative pronouns are rich in the two books.

这将派人到其他较疑问页。This will send people to other less interrogative pages.

泉州方言疑问代词的后缀。The suffixes of interrogative pronouns of Quanzhou dialect.

希望对跟我同样有疑问的人有帮助。The hope is helpful to having interrogative person likewise with me.

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特殊疑问句是英语和朝鲜语共有的一种疑问句形式。Wh-question is one of the interrogative forms both in English and Korean.

多诺万向他的同伴投以疑问的眼神,对方点头回应。Donovan cocked an interrogative eye at his companion, who nodded in reply.

具有疑问语调的句子叫疑问句。The intonation of interrogative sentence is called interrogative sentence.

请你们把肯定句变化疑问句。I want you to change the affirmative sentence into an interrogative sentence.

将这个肯定句改为否认句或疑问句。Change the yes sentence into a damaging sentence or an interrogative sentence.

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英语疑问句是英语简单句中四种基本句子类型之一。English interrogative sentence is one of the four basic simple sentence patterns.

在他那带有一丝疑问的痛苦眼神中,孕育着一粒我完全没注意到的感情萌芽。In his pained, interrogative look was that first bloom of which I was entirely ignorant.

从这两句话可以看出,疑问句卜比肯定句a更礼貌客气。As can be seen from these two sentences, interrogative sentence Bobby certainly a more polite.

英语中WH移位对肯定句变疑问句是属于强制性的。WH-movement is obligatory in English. It changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.

英语附加疑问句是具有疑问句表层结构的独立语法单位。The English tag question is an independent grammar unit with the interrogative surface structure.

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所谓语表形式是指疑问代词显露外在的可见形式。The outside form manifests itself through the visible exterior form of the interrogative pronouns.

限制原因主要在于违反了疑问语气的语用原则。The reason for selectivity lies mainly in the violation of pragmatic principle for interrogative mood.

是黄冈方言使用频率较高的一种特殊问句类型。"Vp -neg" is a type of special interrogative pattern with a high frequency of usage in HuangGang dialect.