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在冬天莓鲈翻车鱼移动深深。In winter crappie move deep.

大多数克拉皮陷入半至1磅之间。Most crappie caught are in the half- to 1-pound range.

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当他迷上它,齐默不认为这是一个克拉皮。When he hooked it, Zimmer didn't think it was a crappie.

克拉皮渔民知道是多么大的事情是这样的。Crappie fisherman know just how big something like this is.

在夏天莓鲈翻车鱼在追逐美洲河鲱的深水将暂停。In summer crappie will suspend in deeper water chasing shad.

他被捕后,他的呼吸,齐默尔拖累手持规模克拉皮。After he caught his breath, Zimmer weighed the crappie on a hand-held scale.

它没有多久齐默实现他对学校的克拉皮降落。It didn't take long for Zimmer to realize he had landed on a school of crappie.

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经过一点点的战斗,我开始看到它,我意识到这是一个克拉皮。After a little bit of fighting I started to see it, and I realized it was a crappie.

齐默尔使用的是12英尺克拉皮极有4磅重的考验,一滑软木装备。Zimmer was using a 12-foot crappie pole outfitted with 4-pound test and a slip cork.

它是一款了不起的深水竿,但是对于草区你可能需要更重型的钓具。A terrific deep-water crappie rod for big, brush-filled lakes where you might need slightly heavier tackle.

从滑铁卢今年33岁的垂钓者正在钓鱼3月15日在伊利诺伊州南部湖泊时,他迷上了4磅5盎司白克拉皮。The 33-year-old angler from Waterloo was fishing a lake in Southern Illinois on March 15 when he hooked a 4 pound, 5 ounce white crappie.

男孩跟他们的玩具。中国不会和他们最好的顾客美国开战的。毕竟如果美国玩完谁会买中国佬的翻车鱼呢?Boys and their toys. I can't see China starting a military war with their best customer, the USA. After all, who will buy all that chinkie crappie if the USA has gone west?