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然而,这种看法并不足取。However, this view and insignificance.

摆荡在时间的轨迹,个人都发现自己何其渺小。Oscillating along the track of time we see our insignificance.

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摆荡在时间的轨迹,个人都发现自己何自渺小。Oscillating along the track of time, we see our insignificance.

在十年里,它们的抵押贷款规模会缩减到微不足道的地步。Within 10 years, the portfolios would shrink to insignificance.

在强手如林的车轮行业,真是微不足道的沧海一粟!It is really not worthy of mentioning insignificance in the wheel field.

个人的重要与否决不能宽容我们中间的这个或那个人。No personal significance or insignificance can spare one or another of us.

那个问题比较起我们正在讨论的这一个来就显得无足轻重了。That issue pales into insignificance beside the one we are discussing now.

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面对着浩瀚无垠的空间,我看到个人的恐惧与担忧是如此地微不足道。In the vastness of it all, I saw the insignificance of my fears and concerns.

每个人都需要回忆。失去人生意义的危机感犹如恶狼,只有回忆能将之挡在门外。Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.

两德统一时,巨额的开支也使得德国政府显得苍白无力。That would make the vast expense of unification in Germany pale into insignificance.

现在让我们思考一下,人类在宇宙空间中是何等的微不足道。Now let us consider the insignificance of a human being in the scheme of the universe.

抓住任何一根秸秆来试图安慰自己的无意义的的成长的畏惧。Grasping at any straw they possibly can to soothe their fear of their growing insignificance.

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在伟大的爱面前,所有这些都微不足道,因为正是爱使我们的生活不断继续。All those things pale into insignificance when we face the splendour of what it is that makes us tick.

人们在享有现代自由的同时,亦在忍受分离感、孤独感、无意义感、无能为力感等痛苦。People suffer the pains of isolation, loneliness, insignificance and disability while enjoying modern freedom.

对那些能够感知大自然和自己内心卓越的人来说,所有的体格上的力量是毫无意义可言的。To those who perceive the nature and transcendency of this force, all physical power sinks into insignificance.

如果大众期望“量化宽松”政策能够刺激经济,这些目标可能都显得不再重要。These objections might recede insignificance if “quantitative easing” could be expected to stimulate theeconomy.

木香黑胡椒,有骨无肉之半成品,香水海中无关大局无足轻重之一星浮沫。Black pepper & woods, a gaunt, fleshless wood scent that feels like sth unfinished. A forgettable insignificance.

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本文亦认为严羽“妙悟说”具有深刻的解释学、哲学意义。The thesis will also think that the Theory of Yanyu'Miao Wu has a great insignificance of hermeneutics and philosophy.

故事背景是20世纪60年代的捷克斯洛伐克,它以优美的语言探讨了我们行为和存在的意义。Set in Czechoslovakia in the late 60s, it explores the insignificance of our actions and existence, in beautiful language.

美国可以因为一个“借口”去侵略伊拉克,那么,命令一个公司做一些事只是小巫见大巫。The United States because of an "excuse" to invade Iraq, then, order a company to do something just pale into insignificance.