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他的尸体将腐烂。His body will rot.

是的,食物代表罪恶,腐败。Yes foods were meant to rot.

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你讲的全是胡话!You are talking absolute rot !

这么多雨水会使水果腐烂。So much rain ake the fruit rot.

别瞎说了。我是和你说正经的。Don't talk rot. I'm being serious.

这么多雨会使水果腐烂。Much rain will make the fruit rot.

出头的椽子先腐烂。The rafters that jut out rot first.

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单靠BBC一家无法逆转这种腐败之势。The BBC can't reverse the rot alone.

“你胡说,”他生气地说。"You do talk rot. " he said crossly.

劣质葡萄酒会伤胃。The cheap wine will rot your stomach.

连绵不断的雨会使稻谷腐烂。The continual rain will rot the rice.

经过很长一段时间,许多东西都烂掉了。Many things rot away over a long time.

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玉米青枯病乃世界性病害。Stem rot of corn is worldwide disease.

那些囚犯被留置在牢中任其消瘦。The prisoners were left to rot in prison.

他被关进监牢任其苟延残喘。He was thrown into prison and left to rot.

我不想让他们在荒郊野外腐烂。I don’t want them to rot in no-man’s land.

有些垃圾久了就烂掉了。Some of rubbish rot away over a long time.

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苜蓿根和根颈腐烂病的症状。Symptoms of Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa.

在我给他打电话之前,他早就朽蚀在地狱里了。He'll rot in hell, before I'll call him up.

雨水和雾气掩盖不了腐烂的腥臭。The rain and mist can't mask the funky rot.