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真是慢腾腾的一条河!What a sluggish stream!

副翼反应迟钝。Aileron response sluggish.

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他那迟缓的头脑瞥见了它。His sluggish mind gropes for it.

动作皆迟缓,但咬啮有力。It is sluggish But has a strong Bite.

空气是那样温润、浓重,沉闷呆滞。The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish.

你什么时候象现在这样懒洋洋过?When hast thou been so sluggish before now?

荒漠和缓流的小溪有多么快乐。To please the desert and the sluggish brook.

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这条缓缓而流的宽阔大河就是科珀曼河。This wide and sluggish river was the Coppermine.

不喜欢你疲倦和缓慢的所有的时间。Don't like being tired and sluggish all the time.

没有瘦素小鼠简直就是又懒又肥的绒毛球。And mice without leptin are sluggish balls of blubber.

北京实施车牌摇号后,车市冷清。Beijing car market remains sluggish after first plate lottery.

速度快的球员能够抛离缓慢的防守队员吗?Q. Are pacy players able to pull away from sluggish defenders?

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但是,最后我时常感到困倦、昏沉和迟钝。But at the end, sometimes I feel very tired, heavy and sluggish.

我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish.

该公司在欧洲地区增长疲软,影响到其收益。It also said sluggish growth in Europe was affecting its revenue.

尽管停电让它工作不畅,但它还是将鞋带吞噬消化了。Sluggish in the brown-out, it complains, but swallows and digests.

与其他真正的海豹一样,加勒比僧海豹的陆地行动迟缓。Like other true seals, the Caribbean Monk Seal was sluggish on land.

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对于一个投资拉动型经济体来说,这意味着增速会更加缓慢。For an investment-led economy,this implies even more sluggish growth.

中国的增长率与消极或呆滞仍有一段距离。Chinese growth rates are still miles off being negative or even sluggish.

在艺术前沿,数字化的进程是缓慢的,我认为有几个方面的原因,读者希望看到成册的实体书如原画和故事,超链接和其他一些格式的电子文本是对读者兴趣的非法剥夺There is sluggish progress on arts front. “I think there are several reasons.