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清洁是疾病的敌人,清洁可以祛病。Cleanliness is a foe to disease.

她是个有洁癖的人。IT is a fanatic for cleanliness.

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她是个有洁癖的人。She is a fanatic for cleanliness.

它还表现清洁和安全。It also shows cleanliness and safety.

清洁紧挨着“圣洁”,他们说。Cleanliness is next to godliness, they say.

白色意味着安全、纯洁和清洁。White means safety, purity, and cleanliness.

车间的质量指标和清洁程度。Indexes of quality and cleanliness of the workshop.

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请问阁下满不满意有关机舱的清洁?。How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of cabin?

这个地方的清洁我再怎么说都不为过。I can't overemphasize the cleanliness of this place.

处女座都是勤奋、可靠并有洁癖的人。Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented.

设施设备的状况和清洁度。Condition and cleanliness of facilities and equipment.

头脑,你何时才学会把洁净和污秽放在两旁。With Cleanliness and Defilement on either side of you?

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实施发动机总成清洁度的产品审核。Responsibility for engine assembly cleanliness auditing.

他说他非常喜欢墨汁画在纸上的那种洁净的感觉。He says he likes the cleanliness of ink drawing on paper.

为了真实、尊荣和洁净灵魂的灭亡。To true, the soul of honor and the demise of cleanliness.

我已经学从英国人那里到了清洁的法律。I have learnt the laws of cleanliness from the Englishmen.

操作机构外壳采用粉末涂层以改善清洁度。Operator housing is powder coated for improved cleanliness.

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谦恭有礼,保持工作区域整洁。To maintain porch decorum and upkeep cleanliness of the area.

喷气燃料和煤油燃烧清净性的一个量度。A measure of the burning cleanliness of jet fuel and kerosine.

卫生洁净是健康元素,钛铝双金属复合炊锅是很容易清洗干净的。Cleanliness is a healthy element. Titanium pot is easy to clean.