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也有人认为,它的某些种类的自由和独立性。Others feel that it's some kind of freedom and independency.

然而,如何实现内部审计的独立性却一直被人们所忽视。But, how to realise the independency has been ignored for a long time.

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更培养了我独立生活的能力和良好的生活习惯。Further, it brings me up the ability of independency and good habits of living.

我很高兴能够看到一个像她这样的积极的女孩,独立又有能力。I was happy to see a positive girl like her showing her independency and power.

独立自主是维护中国主权与安全的法宝。The independency is the magic weapon supporting China's sovereignty and safety.

CORBA的优势是在方法的重用上,而XML是在数据的独立性上。The advantage of CORBA is the reuse of method, but XML is the independency of the data.

传统公司法是建立在公司之间彼此独立、互不参股的基础上的。Traditional corporate law is based on the thesis of independency of individual corporations.

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同时对所得税会计独立需要注意的若干问题进行了阐述。At the same time, this thesis illuminates on questions of independency of income tax accounting.

保持独立性是实现客观公正的前提条件,是内部审计的本质要求。Independency is the fundamental premise of objectivity and fairness, is the requirement of internal audit.

建设充分适度的“独立”可以有效消除利益个体之间的诚信依赖。Building independency moderately can eliminate the negative dependence on integrity among the interest individuals.

持强、兴奋、独立的个性特征与嫖娼原因有关。The personality sub-factors including adamancy, agitation, independency are related to the initial reason to buy sex.

然而从学习策略的角度看,学生的自主性学习也应受到足够的重视。However, from the perspective of learning strategies, student's independency learning should also be paid much attention.

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着重强调了新模型的优势,即摆脱了对评价指标相互独立的依赖。The paper emphasizes the advantage of new modal, which gets rid of the de- pendence on the independency of evaluation guideline.

JSP技术在企业电子邮件的客户端系统的应用,使系统具有平台和服务器的独立性。The system has the independency of platform and server with the application of JSP in client system of enterprise E-mail system.

相容性、独立性、相关性是概率统计中几个常见的易混概念,针对这几个概念加以辩析。Random variable, permissibility, independency and interrelation, which are easily confused, are common concepts in probability statistics.

在明确高校法人主体地位、赋予高校以愈来愈多的独立和自我管理权利的同时,也规定了高校要独立承担民事责任。Endowed with more and more independency and rights of self-management, at the same time, college must assume civil liability independently.

只是有个疑问,这个女孩经济上不独立吗?如果经济上独立,那么自己拿自己的钱早点吃什么,别人无权过问的吧。Just one question, is this girl independency autarkically? If she is independency, she has the right to spend money on her breakfast for anything.

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在独立学院文凭独立的政策背景下,“文凭独立”新政的政策效果具有较大的不确定性。Under the background of independent college's diploma independency policy, the paper proposes that the effects of the new policy will be uncertain.

新闻自由和司法独立均系现代社会不可或缺的原则,二者应当保持良性互动的关系。Free press and judicial independency are two indispensable values in our modern society. We recognize they ought to be good reciprocity relationship.

实践批判理论作为历史科学还通过对形而上学的语言独立性观点的批判而确立自身的特征。Practice-animadvert theory as historical science establish itself according to animadvert the view about the independency of language of metaphysics.