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那将是不道德的,没有人性的。That would be immoral and inhumane.

这种新式武器太惨无人道而不宜使用。The new weapon was too inhumane to be used.

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中国的打狗行动已经轰动世界了,头版头条!World condemnation for China's inhumane killing of dogs.

但是,美国许多动物福利提倡者却认为这个方法是不人道得,而且是很残忍的。Many animal-welfare advocates, though, say the method is inhumane.

现今,鞭苔不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers.

如今,对违抗命令的士兵或水手施以笞刑是一种不人道的惩罚。Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.

另一个步骤是谴责核武器这种不人道的、任何人都无法使用的武器。Another step is to stigmatize nuclear weapons as inhumane and unusable for everyone.

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仅一小部分人主张继续这种野蛮和非人道的传统。Yet a small minority argue that the cruel and inhumane tradition should be kept alive.

这一惨无人道的凶案震惊了中国乃至全世界。This exceedingly inhumane incident shocked the whole nation, and indeed the whole world.

因此吉姆和我,现在对人道和非人道的畜养,有一个非常明确的划分。So for Jim and I, there is now a very clear distinction between humane and inhumane farming.

所以对吉姆和我,对人道和非人道的畜养,有一个非常明确的划分。So for Jim and me, there is now a very clear distinction between humane and inhumane farming.

并且,她说,她不能理解为什么人们会觉得这种民族捕杀海豹的传统是不人道的。She said she could not understand how anyone could regard a generations-old practice as inhumane.

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印度人认为让孩子在浴盆中洗澡是不人道的,因为盆中的水不流动的水。The Indian think it inhumane to bath the child in a tub, for the water in it is not flowing water.

年轻的卡尔·马克思,有预见地觉察到了现代工业所引起的非人道的变换。The young Karl Marx, prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry.

画面中,朝鲜家属们指控韩国的行为是“非人道”的,并同时恳求他们的家属返回。In the footage, the families accused the South of being "inhumane" as they begged for their relatives back.

这个资产是我的,而且把一个十岁男孩切片的过程太不人道了,我才不会参与。This asset is mine, and I won't be a party to the needless mutilation of a ten-year-old boy. It's inhumane.

这是一件令人震惊、骇人听闻、泯灭人性的事件,而且这与非洲几乎每天都会发生的事情并没太多不同。It was revolting, monstrous, inhumane – and scarcely different from what happens in Africa almost every day.

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更好的媒体设计能够减缓或者消除数字社交不近人情或者非人性化的效果吗?Can inhumane or dehumanizing effects of digital socializing be mitigated or eliminated by better media design?

它“残损民命,非贤者之意”,不人道,于统治阶级的统治有害而无利。" It is "damaging the public life, meaning the non-Sage" inhumane rule of the ruling class, harm and not good.

据报道,这位现年58岁、正在服刑20年的新闻工作者健康状况不佳,生活在非人的条件下。The 58-year-old is reportedly in poor health and living in inhumane conditions as he serves a 20-year sentence.