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没错儿,就是独木舟。Exactly, it is a canoe.

独木舟立即物归原主。To carry or send by canoe.

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独木舟顺流而下。The canoe floated downstream.

“舟”实际上是一个阿拉瓦词。Canoe is actually an Arawak word.

漩涡吞没了那只船。The whirlpool sucked down the canoe.

他痴痴地靠着树干,望着眼前的一片新绿出神。He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.

然后,印地安人把他奉上一只划子。Then the Indians put Owen in a canoe.

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这条小型轻舟很容易搬运。The small canoe could be ported easily.

他被卷入政治的漩涡中。The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.

独木船的加速度方向如何?What direction is the acceleration of the canoe ?

他的独木舟在险滩下面的河水中。His canoe was there, on the river below the rapids.

我拿了一袋玉米粉,带到独木舟上。I took a sack of cornmeal and carried it to the canoe.

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探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.

独木舟前的浆手漏了一浆。The paddler in the front of the canoe missed a stroke.

就像在水流湍急的水中的一只小船。It was like a canoe going against the rapids in a river.

石灰王座被独木船上之农民锄坏了。The throne of limestone was hoed by the farmers on canoe.

你还可以在运河中乘坐叫做独木舟的小船。You can ride on the canal in a small boat called a canoe.

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明天早上,我们将继续400英里的独木舟航行。We begin a 400-mile delightful canoe trip tomorrow morning.

一只小舟滑过柏树泉那明净的水面。A canoe glides over the windowpane waters of Cypress Spring.

他已经十八岁了,所以我相信他完全可以自食其力了。He s eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe.