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她穿着一件薄如蝉翼的绸服。She was wearing a dress of diaphanous silk.

微微曙光把庞大透明的阴影冲淡了。The little light fades the immense and diaphanous shadows.

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远处,空气干燥而明净,微风吹拂着树叶发出沙沙的声音。The breeze rustled leaves in a dry and diaphanous distance.

简评论道。今天你看见她穿的夹克衫了吗?Did you see her wearing that elegant diaphanous jacket today?

我记得,当爱情时代似乎更纯净、澄明。I remember the times when love seemed more pure and diaphanous.

明快而精致的陈设创造了一个真正舒适与豪华的气氛。The spright and diaphanous display produces a really snug and splendent atmosphere.

一位印度的洗衣妇悬挂透明的纱丽晒干在一间屋子的白灰墙壁上。A washerwoman hangs diaphanous saris to dry on the mortared walls of a house in India.

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要乾燥的样本会放在乾燥剂上方,用塑胶或陶制的透明盒子隔开。The sample to be dried is placed on a diaphanous cartridge of plastic or ceramics above the drying agent.

它们半透明的闪光象征着优雅与悲剧,天真与绝望,悲伤与奢华。Their diaphanous flare symbolizes at once grace and tragedy, innocence and despair, sadness and voluptuousness.

被表现为个体的男人没有细节,他没有头发,皮肤是光滑的,只具有人的基本特征。He does not have any connotative detail, his head is glabrous, his skin is diaphanous , it is the essence of a man.

因此,雨林里的湿度都很高,为了验证这一点,人们只需登到雨林华盖之上的观察塔,去亲眼看看那些环绕在脚下缥缈的雾霭。Hence the rainforest’s high level of humidity, visible from the observation tower in diaphanous cloudlets drifting over the canopy.

半透明的空间向周遭景观敞开,同时大楼梯对所有人开放。The diaphanous volume opens up to the surrounding landscape while the grand stairs express openness and accessibility for everyone.

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那半透明的、柔软的长袍就在他膝部以上的位置徜著,想必是他摔了一跤,让他那细长的双腿准确无误地透视出来。His supple diaphanous robe has collected above his knees, presumably from a fall, revealing an unflattering view of his spindly legs.

尽管原料是柔软的物质,但此方式创造的物体和普通物体一样坚固耐久。Objects created in this fashion are generally as solid and durable as a normal object, despite their originally diaphanous substance.

展馆中,神奇的采光设计与雕塑作品的戏剧性陈列构筑了艺术作品的解读与评析。The diaphanous light casting on the sculptures and the dramatic installations of them form a special revelation of Canova's great works.

这些看上去很正常的人士在歌诵神,并未把我吓着,反而让我觉得自己的灵魂随着吟唱轻盈飘升。Far from being freaked out by these regular-looking people singing to God, I instead felt my soul rise diaphanous in the wake of that chanting.

UV油墨固化体系的关键组分是光引发剂,确定颜料的透光窗口是选择光引发剂的主要依据。The key component of UV ink curing system is photoinitiator and determination of diaphanous window is the main basis to select photoinitiators.

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飞船的外壳可以打开,释放出透明的太阳帆。太阳帆张开成抛物线形的伞,以便收集能量粒子推进飞船。The vessel's carapace opens to expel its diaphanous sail, which unfurls into a parabolic chute that gathers energetic particles for propulsion.

设计理念是创造出一个四层的透明体量,将所有的起居和办公功能都包含在一起,但同时为住户提供极大的隐私性。The concept was to create a four-level diaphanous structure, which integrates all functions of living and working and yet offers enough privacy.

禅宗所体现出的美学思想与中国传统诗歌之间的关系,指出诗歌最终吸取了禅宗“空”观的美学意义,而创造出空灵剔透的中国诗歌意境。The relation between Zen and the traditional poems of china indicates that the poem absorb "Kong" of Zen, and produce the realm of clear and diaphanous in poem.